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Re: NEWS!!! (advertisement, this msg contained miners talk)

Stories are good but facts are better. Unfortunately I don't have current facts to share. I was there before construction began and stayed after it was shut down. Take a look at the original plans for the tailings dam if you want to see a show stopper. The 4km tunnel was not what stopped the project. I have heard that the new thoughts are to build a 14km tunnel so they can pull all tailings out of galore valley and avoid some very expensive road building at the same time. My guess on novas reason for selling is purely financial strategy. Pretty tough for a small company to hold on to such an asset when there is no quick plan to move ahead. I believe they still own copper canyon and haven't put up the for sale sign on that asset.

over 9 years ago
Re: NEWS!!! (advertisement, this msg contained miners talk)

Wow. Good story telling. the opinion on schaft ck is just an opinion and I hope for everyone that owns shares that teck continues proving up schaft ck. the story told of galore is so far from the truth that I had trouble recognizing what mine the story was about. I worked there the summer of 2007. For starters the tunnel was to be 4km long. The tunnel work was done after snow melt and at the time avalanches weren't a threat. The tunnel barely got started as most of the summer was spent building a portal.........I think people get my drift....No pun intended.

over 9 years ago
Re: Grant: PFS and DFS

So Im wrong. No problem. A new question. If the waste hasnt been drilled then what makes people think the grade is likely high enough to be included into the M&I category?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Grant: PFS and DFS

Young Money finished the post with- Overall the Waste rock is very important conponent in improving the life of the mine, strip ratio, lowering operating costs, and overall greater economic NPV that I think could significantly improve from current numbers.

Many have written the same thought as young money. My question is what will it take to move the waste into a different category? My understanding is that it's already been drilled and assayed. If thats correct then the grade is to poor to be included.

almost 11 years ago
Re: The crew and the treasure

Good story but I would like to add another character. The guy that put up the money for the ship. He stands back on the shore and watches the crew sail away to look for treasure. Once in awhile he gets a message asking for more money. The odd time he gets a sprinkle of news. Then silence. Did they hit fog, a storm, get lost or find there was no treasure? Or is it buried to deep and they have to dig longer? It's answers the investor wants. Perhaps he invested his last and is going broke.

about 11 years ago
Re: 171m tonnes, drills pulled Liddy

IMO additional drilling of the waste rock would not change the FS for two reasons. To late to be included and would not have made the cut off grade. Companies that will consider buying schaft ck can see there is ore in the waste rock and there will be a value put on the tonnage of waste. To procure bridge financing for an operating mine it would be very important to move the waste rock into a usable proven category. As an exploration company our best value in drilling would be to prove the unexplored targets contain something of value. I do think that Teck was pulling strings when the drilling was halted early. Whatever the reasons Schaft ck will not sell w/o Ernestos blessing.

over 11 years ago
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