crookedneck's Profile

Trading and investing for over 10 years, mostly small caps & micro caps. I seek out the undiscovered gems ahead of the street, which has proven to be very successful for me. I manage my own retirement portfolio.

crookedneck's Posts

Re: Hold your horses! Down only 10.89% Today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Bill, I was taken off guard by that flash move and the world has not come to an abrupt halt. Cheers!

over 8 years ago
Down 40% Today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the heck! Down 40% to $.605 & ask @ $.73 Does anyone know what is going on here? I'm not sure I even want to buy any more, even at this ungodly low price, until I know what is going on and why somebody is unloading so low! This is NOT GOOD! Cheers!

over 8 years ago
Re: Bullish technical indication

Bill you can call me anything you want as long as you don't call me late for supper! LOL

I thought I would take a quick glance in here to see if anything earth shattering was going on yet, but doesn't seem to be much of anything right now as we watch the grass grow.

I think you can also forget about anyone shorting this stock, as there isn't enough volume to warrant shorting. We did have one loose nut short it about 6 months ago when the share price rose significantly, but he found out the hard way that it wasn't a smart move.

This all lies in the hands of Charlie and company. When we finally get some newsworthy event, I just hope this time around it will be properly promoted through the well known news sources. OMAG is also in desperate need of exposure to investors and until that happens, we won't be seeing much fireworks here.

I'm hanging in there like so many others, including you Bill. Wake me when something earth shattering occurs! Cheers!

The Crazy Crookedneck Cowboy

over 8 years ago
Re: Oman's property market positive despite oil price dip, says Cluttons executive

Hey Alton, there was much to read & digest in the 10k and I have skimmed through much of it and pretty much agree with your assessment of 2 steps forward and 1 step backward. I realize the situation is very frustrating for Frank and company, as it is for us shareholders, and it seems they are doing what they can, given the current enviroment.

As I have said before, I will keep my shares tucked away for the long term and not pay too much attention to the day to day trading, though I should since I could have got some very cheap shares to lower my average cost. If this dips below $1 again I will decide if I want to double down. "Its like watching grass grow"


over 8 years ago
Re: Bullish technical indication

Hey Bill, good to see the share price recover some after the insider buying. As for the bullish technical indicators, it just means the charts are heading in the right direction "UP", which we all love to see. Now it seems it is topping out and leveling out. Some folks use technical indicators like a bible to trade, but I on the other hand, use good ole DD, along with the charts to know when is the best time to buy and the best time to sell. Unfortunately, the technical indicators are not much help for OMAG, since it is so thinly traded, making it useless as a tool to guide anyone at this time. Once the volume picks up it could be worthwhile to pay attention to.

I hope that helps some. Cheers!

over 8 years ago
Re: 52 week low!

Hey Alton I definitely would not call it enthusiasm, but more like what what to expect in the short term. Just being realistic is all. Nobody is happy about this as we hit new lows today! We only have two choices, sell or hold. I chose to hold and I sure hope I chose correctly. Only time will tell I guess, but management has to do a better job to increase shareholder value. This company is in desperate need of investor exposure and until that happens, the stock will continue to witness selling pressure. The question now is how low will it go until we get some news to give the share price a nice boost. Only management can answer that question and hopefully they respond soon to put a floor under the share price. Until then I am as frustrated as you, but I knew it was coming. Cheers!

over 8 years ago
Green Bay, WI
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