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crippler's Posts

22 cents

was thinking 22 cents Mid january when we here of drilling,

oh well it's fine we me today!!!....

Merry Christmas all.

almost 14 years ago

this price movement defies description...

looking forward to the closing of the financing and then some drilling....

i thought 75 cents was a possibility in 2010, did not happen and i was disappointed, (actually sold out for a miniscule profit) but i am thinking 75 cents is more than possible in 2011, more like $1 or so....

almost 14 years ago
Re: Duran Announces $5 Million Bought PP Deal Private Financing

should read $7 million, plenty of cash, lots of dilution, somebody has enough confidence in DRV to almost put up almost 50% of the previous market cap....

bring on the 2011, the drills and some results...

as I said I bought in at 15.5 cents before the PP, if it stays below that I gotta double down cause Jan and Feb will be great months and could easily pop 50% from here...up to 20+ cents....

almost 14 years ago
anybody here?

I bought back in this week at 15.5 cents, not a huge amount but enough to make me happy when we pop very soon....(or next year) LOL

good luck all

almost 14 years ago

anyone here long enough to remember Murphy? The single mother who had put all her money into DRV? her picture was oprah?

Is she still out there?

otherwise I always thought her story was a bit "strange". as the charges against agoracom, came out we see they were creating members and posting all kinds of messages everyday to make the site look busy.....


almost 14 years ago
Re: Update on Corongo

Drilling soon?

try 3 months to get the permit to drill, then 6 to 8 weeks to get analysed drill results?

let's hope these guys get drills lined up now for February....

seriousily 5 months to wait, i'll buy back in late december at 7 cents....

almost 14 years ago
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