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crazytrade's Posts

Re: FSDI results by end of year....

 The culture that is not wanted is the Canadian culture. The working for a living instead of being retired on a government pension. Open a road and build some place to work and then you can't sit on your butt and fish and hunt. Several generations of that life and everyone knows the results, suiside and drugs find their way into the youth who do want a different life. It is sad that those who are trying to protect do not understand untill its too late.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Ontario finance minister defends cap-and-trade costs

They need to go into a room and hash out an agreement. This meeting every few months to agree on nothing is getting a little rediculous. How hard is it for somebody to take a lead and say that a decision has to be made today or one will be made for them. We are being held up and financialy ruined just because a few people can't or won't make a simple decision on what they want is criminal. These people in charge of this are just wanting to enjoy their personal perks instead of working for the majority of people who need an answer quickly for educational and financial security. Getting it right has so far gotten it wrong.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Arrested Development

Can't wait until 7 billion people have to forage, hunt and fish for their food.

almost 8 years ago
Re: the quiet-Study complete

Are Mattawa stalling too long like is customary for FN

The Tribe Never Took Part In The Initial Consulting Process

The Army Corps of Engineers attempted more than a dozen times between 2014 and 2016, according to court documents, to discuss the DAPL route with the Standing Rock. The tribe either failed to respond to requests for consultation or dragged its feet during the process.

The Corps sent a letter to the tribe in October of 2014 with information about the proposed pipeline routes as well as maps documenting the known cultural sites the Corps had identified.

“In addition, the letter requested that any party interested in consulting on the matter reply within thirty days,” the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia wrote in August. “No response was received from the Tribe.”

The head of the North Dakota Public Service Commission mirrored the judge’s decision earlier this week, telling reporters that the tribe had plenty of time to voice concerns before the pipeline’s construction.

Julie Fedorchak, who serves as the chairman of the commission, told National Public Radio in an interview Wednesday that Standing Rock Sioux did not participate in the nearly 30 hours of meetings held to determine the pipeline’s southern route.

The tribe’s decision to drag its feet on the issue is odd considering it usually does engage with the commission on other issues, Fedorchak added. It’s also strange based on the sheer amount of angst the project has received in recent months.

almost 8 years ago
Re: $342B in Resource Sector Investment will Spur Canadian Job Growth

  • WHY wasn' this done 5 years ago??????

  • The strategy is being developed in partnership with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.

  • There will be additional opportunities for the public to provide input before the strategy is finalized by the end of 2017.

  • Support for safe, reliable transportation links in the North is an important part of the government's Growth Plan for Northern Ontario. The Growth Plan is helping to create a globally competitive northern economy, support communities, renew and expand modern infrastructure, and foster a healthy environment.

almost 8 years ago
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