crazyinvestor's Profile

crazyinvestor's Posts

Re: 2008 all over again

You are a fool ! Should have gotten in at those lower prices

rather than just sit there and try make the people who were

loosing money feel bad. Your karma has come back to haunt you

I hope.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Bruce

Bruce Campbell is a dush bag.

Dont listen to that guy. He knows jack squat.

You can only cry wolf so many times

almost 14 years ago
Re: Bruce Cambell

Thanks Dutchie

Hang in there !

over 14 years ago
Re: SP

Im going to watch my Vancouver Canucks win the Stanley Cupand then I am back in !!! Dutchie is right ! It is a prospectus offering so they could have sold when it closed ! That is why you feel like you have been on a Roller Coaster ride !

The longer this deal takes the more selling will go on as these houses cant aford to have their money sitting doing nothing for to long. One day the word will leak out to them and you will just feel that something is up. Right now it is not !


over 14 years ago
Hello Boys and Girls

Crazy is thinking of jumping back in ! I have always said I would

be back in around Mayish. Has anyone ever posted the question of

what is the Compliant waiting for ! It seems that we are always waiting !

What is it going to take ! Its been well over a year and we are all still

waiting ! FOR WHAT !!! Dutchie what are they waiting for !


over 14 years ago
Re: News

Hang in there Dutchie ! I say by late Spring things should be sorted

out and the Maggorts should now what direction they are going in and

who is driving ! I will be catching the bus soon !


over 14 years ago
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