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colder's Posts

Re: Re : Choice

In 2011, the vote was for the right to increase the number of options she could grant ,not PP. As you said, this was voted down, although technically she withdrew this item just before the AGM, presumably to save face, but who knows. She had to listen to the wishes of the owners of the company in this case since they voted on the proxy she drafted. Calling the proxy invalide was not an option.

Fast forward to 2012. First she tried everything to skew the results in her favor. When that failed, and the shareholders
overwhelmingly voted against her, Lori had two choices. 1 hand over the keys to the office. 2 simply say the results of the vote were not valid. She had little to lose by choosing the second.

The question now is are the shareholders going to lay down, or take the battle to the next level?

over 11 years ago
RBC Action direct error

RBC emailed me my control numbers. When I went to vote I noticed they only sent me two numbers for four accounts. I let them know and they immediately sent me the correct numbers. Please ensure each of your accounts has its own 12 digit control number.

Today's ruling is disappointing but this battle is far from over. Every vote counts. Please ensure every shareholder you know votes green for change.

almost 12 years ago
Re: IGD Private Placement

The interesting question is who came up with the cash and why did they think this is a good investment? TAGGIT? maybe - it seems flaky to me but I am not a tech expert - don't think Lori is either. We know they are not investing based on a proven gold exploration track record. $2.5M is a lot of money in this market, and it wasn't raised by the Alberta network. There are a lot of juniors with real propects that can't raise this kind of cash. So the question again, why would someone put this kind of money into IGD?

about 12 years ago
Re: It Appears--Lori May Get Her Way--With Some Of Us--not all

are you sure she has that many shares behind her? last agm she had to withdraw the option increase because she couldn't get shareholder support - and that was before she went out of her way to p iss of the shareholders.

over 12 years ago
Re: I want what we were promised

But does any of this prevent her from showing up on time, organized, and sober?

over 12 years ago
Lori fans

I am amazed that after being insulted at the agm, the conference call, and now the latest meeting in calgary, that so many shareholders still think Lori is great and rush to her defence. Of course she can't give material info out at these events, but at least she could provide some explanations that make sense, and stop being so defensive. We have put up with finders fees for PPs that could have easily been filled without them, directors that were finally let go after doing nothing for years, big anomolies that now we cant find, travel costs that match drill costs. She acts like she doesn't need us anymore. Why does she act like this? Either she knows she has the gold, or she is dumber than she apears in public. Not quite sure which it is

over 12 years ago
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