cockerel1's Profile

cockerel1's Posts

Re: O.T. The American Election.

I'm not against eating "Humble Pie".

In fact, the people of America proved me completely wrong.

However, what is clear to me is that T.A. is strictly for the birds.


Gold is down, the markets are up and the only thing that has changed are the basic fundamentals and Trump has not yet done anything. However, the markets are responding positively to his message.

America will have a new president and people will gradually become excited if his proposed policies show signs that they will work.

But it will take time!

The only question that remains for me is "Did Donald and America react in time?"

Personnally, I don't think so! (but I've been wrong before!)

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

almost 8 years ago
Re: O.T. The American Election.

If Hillary wins the election and becomes President and if you decide to stay in America, it won't matter whether you own gold or not.

Gold will be king in any society that remains lawful, but power will always "checkmate" everything in an unlawful society, imo.

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

almost 8 years ago
O.T. The American Election.

Today I finally realized what the election will mean to the world.

Hillary Clinton is either a very smart, dangerous woman or a very stupid one, and my money is on her being very smart and dangerous.

I believe she alone has tapped into the mood of the country, not Donald Trump.

America is fast becoming a third world country and history dictates that the ruling class in any third world country, if they wish to survive and prosper, be corrupt, think only of themselves and lie to their people.

Donald is trying to convince the people that he can fix everything that’s wrong with America. I’ve got news for him.

He can’t! No-body can, but Hillary wants to be the tough bully on the block. She will have behind her, the best military that has ever been assembled and an arsenal of weapons that she can use to threaten anyone that stands in her way.

The average person thinks “pay for play”, she thinks pay or you don’t get to play.

To date she has convinced everyone who is on the public payroll to get onside or else, Upper echelon Republicans, the FBI, the MSM etc.

When she wins the election, she will also have the majority of the Common people and that will lead to civil war within America. Barak Obama will declare Martial Law and either defer the running of the country to Hillary, or together they will reign as tyrants to the rest of the world.

Today I feel sorry for America and its people, but they only have themselves to blame, imo.

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

almost 8 years ago
Canadian Bank (s)

Just found this link on "Uncle Jimmy's website.


Has anyone from Canada experienced any trouble getting monies out of their bank?

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Gold and Silver Market Morning: Aug-23-2016 -- Gold and silver prices being move

My bad!

She speaks on Friday, not tomorrow!

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

about 8 years ago
Re: Gold and Silver Market Morning: Aug-23-2016 -- Gold and silver prices being move

More of the same... (Are the markets controlled by the Clinton Foundation? - tongue in cheek)

and Yellen speaks tomorrow!!!

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

about 8 years ago
Sherwood Park
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