cleopatra's Profile

cleopatra's Posts

Re: lack of interest

Je comprend! However, there are always rumors, opinions, hope and exsaperation that at least gives you something to tune in on. The deadly silence is very discouraging. Where are the promoters ?

almost 12 years ago
lack of interest

This board does not seem to have a great following . Is it lack of interest or just nothing happening of interest ?

almost 12 years ago

I wrote to Mr.Nemis regarding Bold...and guess what ? I got a very polite and informative answer from him.

Conversely , I have repeatedly written Wes without reply. What a difference the man makes. Glad I am out of Noront. It will linger for ever ..Indians, environmentalist , cho cho train , inept politicians, bad world economics.....etc.

Obama will be elected tomorrow in case anyone in Canada wonders.

Have a good day ,one and all.

almost 12 years ago
Enough is Enough

I am out of here as well. Moving over to Temex. See interview with Sprout and analysis by Stifel Nicolas . Great pure gold play!

almost 12 years ago
Re: Noront Introduces Tom Anselmi As a New Director

Right on ! And box seats as well.

almost 12 years ago
Something not kosher

It appears that management does not want to be transparent regarding their several drill programs in the Ring of Fire. The last PR was quite unusual if not evasive.

almost 12 years ago
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