chreca's Profile

chreca's Posts

New date for the Special meeting

New date: June 15

over 9 years ago
Re: Article of the rival Chinese deal

If CCCC really is serious in their intention of this we will see a countering bid from them, if not Farhad & Co may have made a correct decision.

over 9 years ago
Re: what can we do?

I owned shares in High River Gold once but sold before the real issues with the Russians began, so not to much insight into that story if this is what you refers to.

over 9 years ago
Re: Numbers

Did Farhad for the first time in years really gave us the real non-rosy picture on things at the CC on the 27th, or did he intentionally put everything in a dull and somber light just to defend his and ICL`s crappy deal ? Hard to say but one of them must be true and the other more or less false.

Anyway if the deal is as bad as its seems then shouldn`t any other company with an interest step up and lay a bid, that would be a definite sign ICL is trying to get away with a steal, but if we don`t get any other offer then maybe Farhad is correct after all, and it was this lousy 50 cents or nothing afterall given this lousy environment for a potash junior.

over 9 years ago
Re: ....The Horror...the horror...

Sorry to hear that branchu, I hope you have better luck going forward

and going forward we must

Take care

over 9 years ago
....The Horror...the horror...

What an unbelievable anti-climax this has been, a buy-out offer was in the cards but at this insulting price I never would have thought, it feels empty right now.

ICL and management insulted us longs with this. n

Now hope is the last thing that deserts a man, so my hope reach out now for a chinese offer coming right out from the sky.

- So most respected Chinese, if you can here me, please give us longtime AAA holders a decent passing...I believe we deserves it.

I will stay here at the board until the end, so there will at least be one reader if someone would still bother to do some posting.

My most sincere condolences


over 9 years ago
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