choover8059's Profile

choover8059's Posts

Re: choover8059

I got your message on hub! Little busy at work tonight but I'll post some more later today , thanks for reaching out :-)

over 8 years ago
Re: anything scheduled yet?

We do not yet have a confirmed date

over 9 years ago
New Update

Flight attendant training class is scheduled for June 15th or 16th. They are adding personal. This tells you a bit about where we are ;)

over 9 years ago
Re: I'm back

We are certainly glad your back!

over 9 years ago
Re: 10Q Out

It's exactly what we expected, I'm satisfied with that. No surprises is a good thing

over 9 years ago
Re: Holding BALTIA strong!

Your probably right. I hope to see some .0065 dips I can jump on :)

over 9 years ago
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