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Just an article that I thought some would find interesting. Better than watching paint dry.

I appologize if this has already been posted.

about 11 years ago
Re: A Thought

Buyouts just consider the cash as an asset that they are purchasing. If the purchaser was getting the cash that would be factored into the buyout price. So in the end it doesn't really matter if they leave it out or in. However, getting the distribution now, if you want shares, is better now since you are buying them on sale (as has been stated already).

about 11 years ago
Re: Plan "B"

I am with you. Almost every agreement I see these days has time limits - even a year is better than nothing. To be at Teck's mercy is frustrating to say the least.

about 11 years ago
Re: Drill Plan

I seem to recall the Mess Creek claims being a "big deal" in the past (our 100% ownership). Is that also now only 25% ours?

about 11 years ago
Re: How do you determine the difference between an anomaly and an economic deposit?

Don't they have to put up 4* expenditures anyway (so that 660M is a lot less)? Isn't this kind of what our share price has been stuck at forever (about $.65ish - about 280M which is almost bang on 4 times expenditures). I am just wondering if the markeit is pricing us based in the 75% back in amount. Seems to line up.

over 11 years ago
Re: Worth a try

Funny, I would think long term Teck shareholders should want Teck to comment on this. Teck shareholders should be very dissapointed if Teck passes on this opportunity!

over 11 years ago
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