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chance97's Posts

Feasability Notice and 120 Clock

After all these months (since december 2012) if the Feasabilty Study/Notice hasn't been provided to or accepted by Teck, why not??? If there was a problem with it, we should of been informed as to why and problem should of been rectified immediately and FS delivered to Teck to start the clock. The news release states that they are in negoitations with Teck and I don't know what they would be negoitating if they haven't received the Feasability Study.

I firmly beleive that today is the 120 day and we should receive some update as to the progress.


over 11 years ago
Markets Closed Tomorrow

Canadian Markets are closed tomorrow for Family Day... US Markets Open.

over 11 years ago
Insider Buying - Only David MacDonald

If everyone from copper fox is not in a black-out, why is David MacDonald the only insider buying and supporting the stock. Could they be in negotiations and applied a self-imposed black-out? I find this strange.



over 11 years ago
Website Update

Copper Fox updated their home page with highlights of the recently released feasability study. Presentation still not updated.


over 11 years ago
September 25, 2012 News Release

It's been 12 weeks today since the September 25 news release. Something has to give soon!!!

Waiting patiently until this is done.


almost 12 years ago
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