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cedarstreet's Posts

Re: Judge Grewal - sad potential reality, all human, (no one is perfect)

Race/racial pride/atonement for racial crimes are highly sensitive issues that push people/institutions on the defensive. Patents are another matter.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Judge Grewal

I think everyone on this board knows where Judge Grewal is now. I wonder if Samsung/IBM/ and other big boys were also places he considered working at before going to Facebook. If so, would that have influenced his decision? I strongly suspect that it did. Just at the back of his mind if corporate career was what he wanted then he surely didn't want to burn his bridges, the bridges that he may have to use as he builds his corporate career! In this case it might be easier to get his verdict reversed, unless of courswe, his successor also has similar corporate dreams!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers

Don't worry about their family dynamics. For a few pieces of silver they're willing to portray themselves as a feuding lot. But behind the scenes they're negotiating on how to split the spoils fairly amongst them.

They're such an unscrupulous lot!!

about 8 years ago
Re: We are above 50 day moving average !!!

So how much would they take this private for? $10 million for the whole company? or a higher figure?

about 8 years ago
Re: NDoC Appeal Pacers..tks. BaNosser

I can see that ... the opportunism! :)

over 8 years ago
Re: NDoC Appeal Pacers..tks. BaNosser

I Get it. I'm an Italian Jew myself!

over 8 years ago
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