cbew's Profile

cbew's Posts

Re: I have a good feeling

Haven't commented in some time but here's my 2 cents for what its worth.  Imho, I think the rise in our share price may have nothing to do with any "news" coming down the pike.  Look at where copper prices are now!  Rise in sp has tracked the rise in Cu prices nicely.  If Cu prices hit $3/lb that makes the SC deposit look very attractive even with the old FS and the low exchange rate of the Cnd $.  WE are definitely being accumulated by smart money at these levels right now.  Under Trump I can see Cu prices easily hitting $4/lb within 2 years.  At $4/lb we should be easily trading over $1 imho even without optimization done.

over 7 years ago
Re: Copper burst higher - now what?

Thx for the welcome back. Yes, havn't been here for awhile because to my (and others) disappointment nothing has been happening with this stock or with our JV with Teck. I'm glad to finally hear we are going to get an update but havn't we heard that for the past year???

I am sadly disappointed with the lack of any effort on the part of management here to work on behalf of shareholders to put any pressure on Teck to get things moving along. It seems that slow and steady is fine by them and why not since Elmer gets paid 300K salary regardless. Who earns that kind of compensation with a company not raking in any revenue??? My perception about management's priorities have certainly changed in the last 2 years and it hasn't been for the better unfortunately. My 2 cents.

Nevertheless, I'm happy to see Cu prices start moving up. Can't be soon enough for me. Let's get SC on the auction block soon and finally get some return for long time shareholders here. Heck if management can't do that for us hopefully rising Cu prices will.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Copper burst higher - now what?

Trump presidency means inflation for commodities as he wants to spend 500B on upgrading infrastructure. Copper is going to soar to new highs.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Henderson vs. Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Gotta love our legal system. Pure extortion! Employees know they won't be taken to court as the costs far outweight a settlement even if its just a fraction of what they are asking. So what do they have to lose? Nothing. But they can gain several thousands just for filing a claim ,whether its justified or not, and spending an afternoon in arbitration.

Just don't count on your ex-employer giving you a good reference for your next job.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Dollar down below 88 cents

Good post GY. You can see why reducing the haul distance b/n pit and mine site can also result in a huge savings. As mentioned, I believe Teck is looking at this very thing as one of the options to optimize the mine plan.

almost 10 years ago
Re: Dollar down below 88 cents

The estimate of 25 -30% cost for fuel was something that was told to me by a knowledgeable engineer. To me that seems quite reasonable as someone pointed out here that the type of trucks they use in mining are huge monster trucks that can haul up to 400t of rock. Clearly something this big will consume fuel like there's no tomorrow. In fact, I read somewhere that these trucks consume 3-4 gallons of diesel fuel for every mile. Compare that to the average dump truck that gets 6-10mpg.

In an average open pit mine you have dozens, if not hundreds for huge operations over 200K tons/day, of these trucks running constantly and you can see why fuel is one of the biggest expense in the operation.

almost 10 years ago
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