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If you have digital currencies be carfull

'Pony' botnet steals bitcoins, digital currencies - Trustwave

over 10 years ago
Re: Where is GOLD Headed in 2014?

The PM's got overextended and were due for a correction. That may now have run it's course or may have a little more to go but once the correction is finished then the final leg of the gold bull will begin and it will be bigger and faster than the previous moves.

I believe we are similar to the 70's bull run with the current pause the same as the $200 to $100 move before $800.

We will need to be nimble for the next phase.

over 10 years ago
Re: More about Bitcoin

The main thing to learn about bitcoin is that the powers that be will under no circumstances allow it to compete with their own currencies. As always it is their playing field and they make the rules.

Some governments will ban it others will regulate it as a potential haven for criminals but mostly they will probably just tax it.

almost 11 years ago
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