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canon5's Posts

Re: FYI heads up hoov and others

In response: Typically the wettest months are end of June through the beginning of Oct. The worst month is August. Drilling typically stops in July and does not usually begin until late Sept. My experience with this company is that their assays are always slow. This is usually because they use a lab down there and typically when you want your assays completed so does every other mining company. The tardiness is simoly because of the lack of number of labs. It also depends on how they want their samples tested. AGG is a good company with a great deal of potential. It is a junior exploration company and therefore subjected to the same volatilty as other exploration companies. They do have some very good properties and so long as they keep the burn rate under control, over time I think we will be rewarded. Having only 76million share is also a bonus. When it does move people will have to respect the ask. Good Luck To You!


almost 14 years ago
Re: AGG news

What this tells me .... and correct me if I am wrong .... is that they can not complete the financing, they are cash poor because of the burn rate, they probably have not drilled since the beginning of the rainy season, the results from Easses are poor and they are not releasing them and they are giving away 70% of Mankranho in a last ditch effort to remain afloat. So in the end we will have to wait about 4 years before this thing moves again ... certainly 2 years until this recession/depression ends. We will see a dime before long. Only upside is that if you have money sitting on the side you can average down. Betcha John Embry is a real happy camper.


almost 16 years ago
Re: AGG shares hit .10 today...

Rich: What do you expect. There is a general panic out there thanks to the Americans and people are running to cash. What really gets me angry is that our managment has done absolutely nothing to stem the fear and diminish the sell off. No news, no explanations, no PR, no insider buying..... nothing. We don't know if they are drilling, we don't know if they have completed the financing, at the present burn rate we have no clue how long they can continue to drill (if they are). If someone wanted to take us out, now would be a good time. Right now .50 cents would be a steal. With no info from mgmt. I can see this one going down to about .05 cents. I will start averaging downagain at around a dime. I still believe in the stock but I don't think the present team can take us to the promised land.

almost 16 years ago
Re: new day new month new AGG Attitude!

I think you might be a bit ahead of yourself when you say it has weathered the storm. WE have dropped almost .50 cents since the beginning of summer. The drill results for Esasse are long over due, no word on the completion of the financing and the possibility of a change in IR. I hope you are correct Teedot but you will have to excuse me if I don't share your enthusiasm.

almost 16 years ago
Re: Looks like a pretty good release

Please disregard my previous statement about the 39 holes. I was looking at the wrong table. MIA CULPA

over 16 years ago
Re: Looks like a pretty good release

These results are definitely good. I do believe we still have 39 more holes to report on. If you look at the map that was on the link you will see holes 107 -110 at the other end of the property. I will have to look at it a little closer. I certainly hope this is recognized by the market.

over 16 years ago
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