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Re: TPL BK Pacer

TPL sure has big balls ... sure hope they get stomped for this, and good. Perhaps will rile up the judge to get them to move for our side to get the MMP documents from their crooked hands.

over 8 years ago
Re: Damages

At this point, I'd accept no less than $0.50/share in damages.

Add to that going forward with dividends from new licenses and growth in share price.

Lingering questions going forward: So the lists are split, do we still share the revenues no matter who bags a license? Does PDS still approve each and every license?

almost 9 years ago
Pacer readings ...

So after skimming through all the TPL BK Pacers, it appears the real winners in all this are the lawyers, raking in $750,000 in fees so far.

Ronran, do lawyers have start/stop clocks on desks to keep track of their time to document .1, .2, etc hours of work on every task?

I was looking closely at these documents for clues at to whom might be the third PDS member, but did not find out. At first I thought it might be "D. Wright" as he was involved in a lot of back and forth concerning this issue.

Interesting to me was how much time was spent reviewing the Sony agreement, and also reviewing the agreements between TPL and PTSC.

What I glean from all of this is that Flowers and Felcyn have been involved in these matters, and so has C. Hoge. If I didn't see anything from our side I sure would have been disappointed. There still is a potential for taking Alliacense to court if they don't hand over the documents we need. They (Alliacense) has really damaged us, and the creditors as well. Perhaps leading up to the Dec. 2 final hearing, they will play ball. If not, how could the judge sign off on the plan?

almost 9 years ago
Re: 10-Q for PATRIOT SCIENTIFIC CORP - Deploying A Licensing Agent

The reason I brought up that PTSC does not even have copies of the letters of notice of infringement is that they cannot even go to a company on the list and say "You have been on infringement since xx/xx/xxxx date" because they have no proof of that.

PTSC to a company: "You have been on notice of infringement"

Company to PTSC: "Prove it"

PTSC to Alliancense: "We need those letters ..."

Alliacense to PTSC: "F U"

Add to that that since they do not have the reverse engineering, they cannot approach any supposed infringing company with nary a shred of evidence - they have no proof.

PTSC to a company: "We have proof that you infringe"

Company to PTSC: "Prove it in court"

PTSC to Alliacense: "We need the reverse engineering ..."

Alliacense to PTSC: "F U"

PTSC to Dominion: "How long is it going to take to reverse engineer ..."

Dominion: "We have no idea"

PTSC to Shareholders: "chirp chirp chirp"

The 3 amigos are just playing us to the end for their paychecks, and Leckrone is laughing at them and all of us.

almost 9 years ago
Re: 10-Q for PATRIOT SCIENTIFIC CORP - Deploying A Licensing Agent

Yes, all that so-called reverse engineering did not get transmitted to Dominion Harbor.

And significantly, they did not even get copies of the letters of infringement that Alliacense had supposedly sent out to infringers.

So we have a list of 200 infringers, with nothing.

You would think that the creditors in the bankruptcy case would be mad as hell about this, but so far, not a peep.

almost 9 years ago
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