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Shehzad Bharmal

Apparently this guy has been promoted to VP of stategy and devlopment of copper at Teck... He would oversee Galore creek, Schaft creek, Mesba and all other copper projects..

over 10 years ago
Re: AGM and cross examination 101

Deeppockets, I called Jason last week with the same question... Cuu is an exploration company and is required by law to report drill results... Also $20 million is due upon production decision no matter go or no go....
Tecks $60 million portion is not earmarked for drilling and could be used for many purposes eg. bridge,roads,camp...
I was paying for groceries while this conversation took place so feel free to call the office and confirm for yourself

almost 11 years ago
Re: I don't get it

I don't think China and India will want to wait untill 2020 or 2025 before they devour SC copper...
Teck has made it clear they want to expand their copper business ... The question is how? Build vs. Buy..
Build...could equal QB2, SC, Galore? Buy...could be something like Antofagasta?
Of course I have no idea what will happen but, I am pretty positive Teck will not wait 10 years...

over 11 years ago
Re: Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder

Nice post... It will be interesting to see if insiders load up a day or two before their warrants expire and then exercise their warrants as well...

over 11 years ago
Re: CUU to try buy into Galore?

Teck has right of first refusal...

almost 12 years ago
Top 60 copper plays

I apologize for not being able to supply a link for you.. But if you go to Ikn website there is an article by Goldman Sachs inregards to the worlds top 60 copper projects... Copper fox is NOT on that list.. The blogger Otto even makes a comment about Ernesto at the end...

about 12 years ago
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