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Sheriff sale

I have not been following this sale closely, but my recollection of a sale like this is that if there are no bidders, ownership transfers to the mortgage holder. So whether a new buyer came in or not, Silver Falcon would no longer own this property. The mortgage holder now has it. True? Would someone with more experience than I comment.


over 9 years ago
Pic, Sorry to see you go.


Regretably I still have most of the stock I purchased of SFMI and GHDC but because of how it has been going, I havn't been to the agoracom message board much. When I saw the small pop in GHDC I came here to see the comments today. Wow, you made a big decision today and you sure are receiving grief for it. I personally will hold on but will not be averaging down as I see these companies as pretty much dead. They just cannot survive with such debt and such little income. New money coming in would be crazy to make any kind of deal that would make us early investors whole. Regardless, I had such high hopes for SFMI and the original GHDC that I find it hard to just walk away when the walk away money would be so minimal compared to what I put in. Truthfully I could never support the change in business model GHDC made going into the gambling business in South America. If Pierre etc couldn't make a go of a can't lose gold mine in Idaho, what are the going to do with a business they know nothing about in South America.

The real reason for my post is to express how much I have enjoyed your posts and friendship over the past 4-5 years. It was great to meet you in Idaho at the SHM three times and keep up with you on this board. I don't like saying goodbye to a friend, and even though I have lost a lot of money along with you, I feel that meeting you along with many other good people at the SHMs made the investments worth while even so. I would appreciate knowing where you next winner is as I'll wager with what you have learned here, it will be a winner.

My best wishes to you and restored health to you wife, Lord willing, and in spite of all this grief resulting from your investment here, have a very Merry Christmas.


almost 10 years ago
Re: Update 3/17

Hi Big Pic

Well, you do have at least one more follower on this board, so you have increased by about 20%. I have been here since you began posting, but believed there is really no point in my posting just second hand thoughts based on who know what. Nothing substantive. I have always been an enthusiast of SFMI and GHDC, but truthfully not so much for the entry into the gambling business. Perhaps it is the best possible business for this company, but for me personally, I would not invest into this industry. Just personal covictions. So now I am an investor in this business via the back door. So I probably will stay here for awhile because I still need to see how this is all going to work out SFMI vs GHDC with their intertwined business agreements. (I don't mean "vs" as in advisaries).

One contribution I can make is that in observing SFMI and GHDC action over the last few weeks since the reverse split, they certainly are not acting like companies that are going away anytime soon. I could not assert that over the last few months, but I sure can now. Something is coming down the pipe, I don't know exactly what, but the movement says it is positive. I also don't know how soon. It always seems to take longer than any time frame I place on it. We'll see. Todays action seems to be a real eye opener.

Anyway, I appreciate your comments over the years, even when you become frustrated.


over 10 years ago
Rainbow Report

Just to let you know, we did get a significant rain event here in Southern California, along with the rest of the state. Really happy with our 3 to 4 inches over 4 days which added to the one inch for the year to date. Our average is 14 inches and the end of the rain year is June. (Really April). Our total now is 4 to 5 inches with no additional rain in site for the next 14 days.

So we had good news here that helped us and now awaiting good news for SFMI. That seems to be harder to get than rain out of our clouds. The bottom line is that no matter how good a resource SFMI controls, they can do nothing with it if they have no financial resourses to exploit it, and it seems that the more dire the need for money. the more difficult it is to get it, especially when your existing financial obligations remain unsolved. All the problems would go away with full funding. My hope is that Pic and Bouts are right that this new funding is just around the corner.

Wish I had a source in the know like they seem to so that I could provide real substantive information to provide real hope. Regretably I do not, so I depend on you here and whatever else I can uncover to continue on. Right now that is the plan. Continue on.


over 10 years ago

Welcome Big Gamble,

I was fascinated by your use of the word rainbow regarding SFMI as here in Southern California we are expecting the first reasonble sized rainstorm in two years come this Friday and Saturday. We have been in a severe drought here for two years and a mild drought for longer than that. It coincides with the drought of good news from SFMI, so my hope is perhaps it is a sign that SFMI may have a bit of good news soon. One good storm does not end the drought here, it only gives us hope. One good news release by SFMI won't solve the problem either, but it would sure help. About 20 years ago we had a similar situation here in So. CA and we had what came to be known as miracle March, with lots of rain during that month. It could happen again. Maybe March will be great for SFMI. Big Pic and Bouts seem to think it will come to pass and I sure hope they are right.

Big pic told us of CQ's resignation from GHCD's board and I assume more to come. As you long termers know, CQ is one member of the family I really like, so I hope he sticks around SFMI, at least until there is a complete transition ready to take place. In my opinion, the last thing we need is for SFMI's operation to flounder with no one in charge, assuming funding comes and the operation can actually start up again.

It has been heartbreaking to see all of this dilution take place over the past few years, but Big Pic keeps reminding me via this site that it does no good to focus on the past, except to learn from it. I am very hopeful, but that comes from things other than direct knowledge, so we shall see.

In the meantime, I am really looking forward to a significant rainfall event here in a couple of days. The worst possible outcome is that the state and federal government always feels compelled to "fix" things when things are not going well.


over 10 years ago
Where is Pic?

Go to the GHDC site here at agoracom and you will find him.


almost 11 years ago
Camarillo, Ca
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