cac123's Profile

cac123's Posts

Peter Brieger still loves Scorpio

and said so on Market Call Tonight on December 15. He was on the buy side for client's and his wife. We will be back over $1.00 tommorrow I think!

almost 14 years ago
Re: Where The F Are Those Drill Results?

I'm still hopefull for a PR thisweek. Chad was in Europe last week- as far as "wasting" good drill results by posting in a down market-juniors live and die more by their own news then the general market. Gold has been hammered for the last 5 days and it was only today we saw some slippage in SP.

The thing that makes me pause is that historically VIT has released results hole by hole. If prior postings here are to be believed the company has some results but is waiting for more to publish a release. Why? Are the hole by hole results less than fruitful? On the other hand, if they had some crappy results out of Eagle why spend major $ on the camp. Is there a generaL shift in policy about Press Releases?

Finally, with great reluctance, this will be my last post on Agoracom. I have loved the model and it has been superior in many ways to SH. I was one of many voices that supported Paul and George and felt they had a right to stimulate conversation through posts to the blogs. What it also appears they have done however is intercept and forward private emails between members. This is a bridge too far, does nothing to support their clients and gives the whole site a "dirty" feel. See you on SH


almost 14 years ago
Re: Lessons from the 1970s for mining company investors

All true-however what makes VIT a superior play, is that above and beyond our DD we have several institional investors,who have greater DD resouces than the typical retail investor.

almost 14 years ago
Re: VIT Insider Trading Activity

Agro not Argo...apologies to all- esp Mr Hugh Agro

almost 14 years ago
Re: VIT Insider Trading Activity

Please clarify- does this mean Argo sold all his shares?

almost 14 years ago
Takara shares

From VIT Q1 Financials:

"following completion of this transaction, Victoria held 22,208,355 of Takara’s issued and outstanding shares, with a carrying value of $3,303,171"

Therefore our "cost" on TKK is slightly under .15 cents per share

Takara has issued more shares since so our % is mildly diluted ( but as VITers we know THAT feeling!!) but we still have a gain of about 40% , with no drill related press releases from TKK

For your consideration,


almost 14 years ago
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