bullrun23's Profile

bullrun23's Posts

Gold Reserve Payment

Anyone hear anything about Venezuela paying Gold Reserve?  I think the payment was pushed back to today 12/15

almost 8 years ago
Re: Gowlings

After months of never hearing anything, I finally got an email yesterday asking for more information so hold tight.

almost 8 years ago
Correct info For Growlings


Can someone please direct message me Delna's e-mail? I've reached out to Growlings now twice to David Cohen with no response. I sent one on 8/9 and another on 9/20. Is this only for Canadian investors?

Very odd that I have not received any response.



almost 8 years ago
Opt-In Agreement


I reached out to Growling back on August 9th and never heard anything. I just re-sent another email and I've seen the postings that other people have not heard anything but I never got any response and now that is 6 weeks later. This time I e-mailed saying how many shares I owned so hope that I get a response this time.

Hopefully we get some closure to this long journey!!

Best of luck,


about 8 years ago
Re: Current State of Shareholders

Dendreonaire, thanks for the response!!

about 11 years ago
Current State of Shareholders


On my Ameritrade account, the value of CRYFQ recently went down to 0 which I had expected for some time since we are not a trading stock anymore. My question is do we really have any rights with Crystallex? If we bought stock in the company and the company stops trading what repercussion do we have? The management and the debt holders will hopefully get a judgement of some amount but does this turn into a class action lawsuit to try to get some money?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. This was by far the worst trade I have ever made and hoping that I get something back at some point.

Thanks so much,


about 11 years ago
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