brinc's Profile

brinc's Posts

Re: With or Without Teck , CUU is moving forward !

"I would sure like to be the one getting the contract to do this puppy! I can have it done by noon."

Yes but would you be able to be +/- 30% on your estimate?

over 11 years ago
Re: Agree With BigMac

I would like our most knowledgeable supporters to support more Big Mac attacks with his 100,000 purchases (today and 2 weeks ago via Scotia) . Why not give him what we can? How does it hurt our valuation?

almost 12 years ago
Re: delay

check your private messages

almost 12 years ago
Re: delay

"Anyway, we are in agreement on the stock having upside and we are in agreement that the stock was mispriced or I wouldnt have recently purchased."

If your looking for reassurance on your bet and you're too lazy to do your own DD, go to Vettes blog for starters. There is a comprehensive summary there. At the end of the day, I think you will be very happy with your bet.


almost 12 years ago
Re: BFS Release Completion and Delivery

Too many shareholders are just full of themselves.

Yes, I suppose youre right. Its pointless to talk about stated timelines or delays anymore. They are at best, guesstimates and statements of the hopes of management. The only views that really matter at this stage in the game are the private views of EE, ES, and Teck.

about 12 years ago
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