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TFSA transfer

Well it looks like I made one good call in the last two years in regards to this stock, that was transfering into my TFSA at what im hoping is the 52 week low! Hope the worst is behind us.

over 10 years ago
Re: In response to Kodi1234

So it looks like the Agoracom Kodi isn't the one who posted on webs blog, but this just proves my point further.

Don't believe anyone whos says they are buying/selling...

And if Kodi isn't the one that posted on webs blog, it proves that their are trolls working to shake shares loose from exhausted investors.

IMO this is a good sign

Also shows how hard of a job it is for moderators to pick out these trolls and ban them. Kudos to them.

I still believe that this will pay us for our patience, and am thankful I didn't overextend myself because of managements timelines. Although I will admit the thought borrowing money to invest was tossed around quite a bit.

Good luck CUU longs and yes traders too.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Bummer, Kodi sold his shares

I was going to post this as I read it too, I just couldn't find it.

Kodi November 21, 2012 12:36 PM

"OK, my position is all sold out :0 Time to move on..."

This was acknowledged by Webgogs;

Webgogs November 21, 2012 12:44 PM

"Stay in touch. Let us know if you've found something good."


This just goes to show, dont believe anything that people say about when they are buying/selling. Especially when they say they are selling at the 52 week low. No matter who they are...

IMO of course


almost 12 years ago
Re: BFS weekly expectations.

Who gives a sh!t what they said! weeks, months, years. It has to come eventually, but I wont hold my breath. I'll just keep working untill it does. These guys have ther own money tied up so I feel pretty good about my position. But trying to predict it is pointless and hard on the nerves.

Dont get me wrong, I hope your right. But really what they say and what happens who knows...

IMO Obviously something is going on behind the scenes thats holding this thing up.

almost 12 years ago

Weeks is turning into months.... Patience is a virtue. So they say :)

almost 12 years ago
Re: BFS overtime

I would be extremely disapointed if the found enough of a problem with the FS to require a full review. How many times have we heard "we only have one chance to make this right" as a resoning for the continued delays. Given Elmer and the teams experience and the time spent on this, I highly doubt that they could find that much of a problem with the BFS.

IMO the delay is something in the works with teck. If this is true I hope that Elmer will soon say enough is enough. Quit catering to teck, drop the D&mn BFS and force teck's hand. They said that this was the intent how may months ago...


almost 12 years ago
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