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MDDEP announces interim regulations for shale gas in Québec

Calgary, Alberta -- Questerre Energy Corporation
("Questerre" or the "Company") (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported
today that the Ministry of Sustainable Development,
Environment and Parks in Québec ("MDDEP") has
announced draft regulations for activities during the
strategic environmental assessment of shale gas in
the province.

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Questerre, commented, "These new
regulations promoting communication and transparency
validate our public relations efforts in Québec over
the last year. From publishing fact sheets to
conducting town hall meetings, we have been a leader
in informing the public about our operations well
before the BAPE report was published. In principle we
are fully supportive of Government's efforts to learn
how shale gas can be developed sustainably for the
benefit of all stakeholders in Québec."

The proposed regulations require operators to inform
and consult the public prior to commencing
operations. Consistent with the recommendations from
the BAPE report, to increase the understanding of
shale gas in the province, MDDEP may have
representatives participate in observing the drilling
and completion operations. Operators will also be
required to provide MDDEP with technical information

·Drilling and completion methods and technology;
·Water management programs for drilling and
completion operations including flowback analysis;
·Proposed completion fluid composition and volumes;
·Sampling water wells within a one kilometer radius
of the proposed operations.

The press release from MDDEP can be found online:

In conjunction with its partners and the Québec Oil
and Gas Association, Questerre will evaluate the
detailed regulations when published to determine its
potential impact.

Questerre Energy Corporation is an independent energy
company focused on shale projects. The Company is
leveraging its expertise to commercialize projects
like its Utica shale gas discovery in the St.
Lawrence Lowlands, Québec. Questerre is committed to
the economic development of its resources in an
environmentally conscious and socially responsible

For further information, please contact:

Questerre Energy Corporation
Anela Dido, Investor Relations
(403) 777-1185 / (403) 777-1578 (FAX) /Email:

over 13 years ago
Ontario Power Generation: Unplanned Water Release

This should not go unnoticed by the environmentalists!
The risk of a nuclear disaster is absolutely present and the consecuenses would be far more severe then if something should go wrong at a drill site! Would be like a small fart on a farmers field in comparison!


Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG.YY) said its nuclear power station in Pickering, Ont. unintentionally released water into the environment on Tuesday due to the failure of a pump seal.

In a statement posted on its website, the big electric utility, which is owned by the province of Ontario, said the release was a "low level regulatory event" and not a threat to public health. The release had only a "negligible effect" on the environment and involved about 73,000 liters of filtered water.

That water contained trace amounts of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, but was well below regulatory limits, it said. The Pickering plant is on the north shore of Lake Ontario, just east of Toronto.

The utility's announcement comes as the nuclear crisis in Japan deepens in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in that country, which severely damaged the Fukushima nuclear plant. Governments around the world have taken a second look at nuclear-energy saftey, and even small regulatory events are likely to raise scrutiny.

-By Carolyn King, Dow Jones Newswires; 416-306-2100;

over 13 years ago
Shale-gas report offers something for all

Its principal advice - that there should be no more new shale-gas drilling except to collect information for environmental-impact studies, expected to take about two years - is close to the moratorium that environmentalists along with the political opposition have been calling for since shale gas became a burning issue over the past year. At the same time, however, it extends a lifeline to the industry in that it does not bring development of the resource to an entire standstill. Nor does it preclude future commercial exploitation of what could be a significant resource boon to the province.

over 13 years ago
Que. opposition parties blast shale gas decision

Both of Quebec's opposition parties say the government has been improvising and wasting time on the shale gas dossier.

The parties were reacting to Tuesday's shale gas report from Quebec's environmental review board, the BAPE.

While releasing the report, Quebec Environment Minister Pierre Arcand announced a freeze on any new shale gas extraction so an environmental assessment can be completed.

But the Action Démocratique du Québec said the province is just falling further behind in developing the fuel.

"What we see here is what should have been ordered back when the industry's interest was piqued by Quebec's potential for shale gas," said ADQ leader Gérard Deltell.

Deltell says the BAPE report is proof that every time the government touches a file on sustainable development and natural resources, it's a fiasco.

He cited the case of Mount Orford and the fight over who controls the Old Harry oil reservoir near the Newfoundland-Labrador border as examples.

Read more :

over 13 years ago
The Montreal Gazette says

While shale-gas drilling has been done in the United States since 1993, there are serious gaps in understanding its impact on air, water and the environment, the commissioners said.

The BAPE recommended the long-term study look at ?whether, on a socio-economic basis, shale gas should be produced in Quebec and how to maximize revenues from its production; the environmental impact and risks of shale-gas development and how to minimize their impact; improving regulations for the environmental assessment of gas exploration and production in the St. Lawrence River valley, and elsewhere in Quebec, and whether to create a scientific body to continue to collect data and update regulations as the industry evolves.

over 13 years ago
Insiders increase shareholdings

Questerre Energy reported today that directors and
officers have increased their shareholdings in the
company. Through the exercise of a total of 417,000
stock options expiring in February 2011 at a price of
$0.65 per share, they have increased their positions
as follows:

Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive
Officer, acquired 195,000 shares through the exercise
of stock options increasing total number of shares
held to 6,140,045 shares. Mr. Binnion, also exercises
control or direction over an additional 5,035,792
Common Shares through Rupert's Crossing, an investment
holding company.

Peder Paus, Chairman, acquired 75,000 shares through
the exercise of stock options increasing his total
number of shares held to 5,655,925 shares

Russ Hammond, Director, acquired 50,000 shares through
the exercise of stock options increasing total number
of shares held to 50,000 shares

Jason D'Silva, Chief Financial Officer, acquired
64,000 shares through the exercise of stock options
increasing total number of shares held to 2,683,140

Rick Tityk, VP Land, acquired 33,000 shares through
the exercise of stock options increasing total number
of shares held to 73,000 shares

Other Transactions

In accordance with the company's stock option plan,
certain other members of management have exercised
their put rights with respect to expiring stock
options with a weighted average exercise price of
$0.71 per share. No shares have been purchased or sold
as a result of the exercise of this put right.

The options were purchased by the Company for an
amount equal to the difference between the market
price and the exercise price. The following members of
management exercised their put rights as detailed below:

John Brodylo, VP Exploration exercised put right with
respect to 150,000 options

Peter Coldham, VP Engineering & Operations exercised
put right with respect to 225,000 options

Maria Rees, VP Business Administration exercised put
right with respect to 75,000 options

Rick Tityk, VP Land exercised put right with respect
to 42,000 options

Jason D'Silva, Chief Financial Officer exercised put
right with respect to 11,000 options for tax purposes

over 13 years ago
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