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Re: bluesideup

I would love to be wrong, but I think unfortunately history is on my side. There was nothing in the latest 8K that leads me to believe otherwise. Lots of dangling carrots with no beef in the sandwich. This was just another rehash of all the other PR's he's put out in the past that never came to fruition.

over 9 years ago
Re: bluesideup

The bottom line is SFMI doesn't have any money and until Eagle raises the money, they don't have any either. Same old stuff. How's that Hope and Change working so far?

over 9 years ago
Re: And It's Gone!!

If I thought you were right, then we'd both be wrong. I think the show's over and were just sitting here watching the credits roll at the end of the show.

over 9 years ago
And It's Gone!!

Just substitute the name of the bank to SFMI/GHDC and think of the banker as Pierre.

over 9 years ago
Re: To ALL GHDC shareholders

Ok, let just say for the sake of argument, all the Q's are gone and any other deadwood on the Board is also. The last Quarterly report indicated a total revenue from their 270 machines of 30K or around a buck twenty ($1.20) per day per machine. Will someone please explain to me how they think this is a viable business plan. That doen't even pay half the salary of even one of the remaining principles. What am I missing here? Will someone please enlighten me on how they think this will become a profitable business venture.

almost 10 years ago
"Firmly Seated"

Does this mean he has a seat belt on his chair? Who writes this stuff?

almost 10 years ago
Gig Harbor, Washington
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