blabla1's Profile

blabla1's Posts

Re: PPS Based upon project new capacity of 4 lines


Thanks for keeping this PPS effort going.

What do you think Al's cost basis per share is?

He has stated that he expects a return of some multiple (x5-10x?) on his investment. Do you have a feel of what type of return he can expect if your scenarios play out.

Please keep up the good work.


about 11 years ago
Re: Trades At The Close Out Of Control

Swing. If you were referring to the large cancellations and associated orders, I do not believe this was specific to MNKD. I checked a few others, e.g., SRPT, THRX, QLGC and they had similiar large-volume cancellations with associated some of their orders.


over 11 years ago
Diabetes Costs in U.S. Estimated at $245 Billion (Bloomberg)

FYI... Article from Bloomberg.

"The costs of diabetes, including medical care and lost productivity, jumped 21 percent to $245 billion last year from 2007, driven by higher rates of the disease and health conditions that lead to it, researchers said..."



over 11 years ago
What's New in ADA's Latest Diabetes Guidelines?

Been folllowing this "Discussion Topic" for awhile but this is my first post here.

I found this video regrading recent changes to daily ADA testing guidelines very interesting.

What impact would Afrezza have on the number of daily tests/strip? I would suspect far fewer would be required. Less strips = less comparative cost.

Also, (just speculation) I wonder if the large pre-market buy today had anything to do with last week's U.S. approval of the bionic eye? I understand that there is no connection between the two, other than Al.


over 11 years ago
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