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Re: How much longer?

Am i already a long time holder ? 4 years now and still hoping :-)

Bought again last week - and still hoping again. And still not willing to sell a piece.

Yes, the goal is clear. To end the manipulation (and i'm really sure there is) you have to make (just) profit. For me, the management made a good decision not to spend their money on court (i'm sure to bring an evidence for manipulation is very difficult) but to spend it in the developement of the mine itself.

I just hope that their presentation from sep. 2012 is correct and they can keep their goal of production in the future. The machines are there, the silver is there, so just get it out with profit !!!

I'm with this board also since 4 years (with ECU) and yes, sometimes you can make a 'copy - paste' thing with some frustrated comments years ago concerning the same thing. And yes, i would love to be happy all the time when writing in this board...

But with all the news with more production, i think i can see a light at the end of the tunnel. We are on the way...

Hopefully, the light is not 5 years away... :-)

I was also a lot of frustrated in the past (i own really much more than 1 share), but i still beleive we will see positive cashflow soon (the goal of the management is 1st quartel 2013).

So let's see if we can smile with the production numbers when the news come out in April 2013.

Profit is the goal we have to reach... 4 years ago i never thought it will be that hard...

almost 12 years ago
Re: Recent drill results...

When i'm right, the news of new drilling was released on 18 May, 2012.

But the sell-off was between 15 May - 17 May 2012. ?

Can that be insider-knowlegde or was it just an occasion ? :-(

Isn't that funny. I just wondered what happens on 15, 16 ,17 but didn't found anything.. no news, article etc.

Then, i was too late like always...

Good Luck...

over 12 years ago
Re: Recent drill results...

Hello altogether,

i found following article concerning Golden Minerals from April 13, 2012:

Really interesting was following part:

The company now expects to complete an updated NI 43-101-compliant resource estimate for the Velardena operations during the second quarter 2012. In line with the company's emphasis on the higher classes of mineral resources (measured and indicated), management and its qualified advisers have decided to narrow the definition of the lowest resource class (inferred resources) to include only that material meeting strict and readily justifiable geostatistical and conservative geologic criteria. Because of this, the company expects to report a smaller inferred resource base at Velardena compared with the inventory carried in the past.

Do you think that the probably "smaller inferred resource base" caused the sell-off of shares the last days ?



over 12 years ago
What wkll us expect on monday?

any ideas? Will ECU go back under cad 0.40 like it was 2/3 years before ?

about 13 years ago
Shareholder meeting

Was anybody from this board at the shareholder meeting? Any news?

about 13 years ago
silver price

The average silverprice in 04/11 was about US$ 42.86. In 04/10, it was just about US$ 18.17. Wow, that's almost a difference of US$ 25.00 within this month.

What do you think how many silver ounces we where able to produce/sell ? With 40'000 ounces, they would have generated US$ 1'000'000.00 more than last april.

When i surf the internet, i can find a lot of statements telling that silver is in a bubble (not here in this forum :-) ) and the price will go down sharply like in the '80 with the hunt brothers.

But when everybody is expecting this, will it be like this ? ....

I took a look to the development in the '80. When i look to the chart, i would say, that the silver price exploded from US$17 to about US$ 45 in the time of mid Nov '79 until Mid January '80. Just in 2 months. It was down again on US$ 17.00 on/about end of February '80. (3 month in total).

OK, thas was a sharp flag within 2 months climbing. But now ? Since November/December 2010, we are almost over US$ 30.00. So thats already 5 month in a smooth way.

I think, there might be a rebound in silver, but for ECU, i was already happy when the silver-price was above US$ 30.00 :-)

So what will be the solution for this funny relationship between silver price and the price of mining-shares ? Will silver go down a lot, or will the mining shares rise ?

I have time to wait see. Don't want/have to buy a new car like SCOUTAZ (even it is a nice one) :-)

And i'm pretty sure it's the second point...

over 13 years ago
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