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bigphos's Posts

Re: Q2 10-Q

They will find some other sucker to pump some money into the company to fund their lifestyles. Pissed away so much money that WASN'T theirs.

The amount of money they paid themselves and funneled through their BS "AXIS" consulting company is atrocious. And they get away with it.....

Worst investment EVER. Saving my certificates in case I run out of toilet paper.

about 11 years ago
Re: Merlin

Gutnick gets another $5 million to blow through..unreal Now he should have enough money to pay his salary ,jet,and all his other expenses for another year.

Sells a company assett to fund his lifestyle..what a guy

Makes me embarrassed to be Jewish

over 11 years ago
Legend International Holdings, Inc. Announces Share Placement

MELBOURNE, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Legend International Holdings, Inc.(OTCBB:LGDI), (“Legend”), announces that it has placed 150 million shares of Common Stock at a price of 5 cents per share raising $7.5 million.

Further, following the placement of shares, the Company intends to undertake a rights issue of shares of Common Stock on a pro-rata basis, to all stockholders, at 5 cents per share.

Funds raised by the placement and from the rights issue will be used in the development of the phosphate operations, to retire debt and for working capital purposes.

FIVE CENTS A SHARE..WOW...What idiot would give Gutnick $7.5 million?

That should last these scammers a few months. They just diluted the company huge!!!

Guess we will have to wait for the filings to see who the new sucker is.

Worst run company on the planet. All they do is milk it like a cow to live on. Pay themselves huge salaries and put all of their expenses through the company.What a JOKE!!!

over 11 years ago
Re: Excerpt from the Q3 10-Q

Gutnick will find some other sucker to invest some money. After all, he has to pay for fuel for his jet and the exhorbitant salary he pays himself and his "AXIS" consulting company that he uses to funnel money to his family members on the payroll. What a joke this has become. I have my stock certificates on my "wall of shame" in my office as a reminder of what not to do......

almost 12 years ago
Re: Gutnick has all but destroyed his investors hopes and accounts

His post was not helpful or informative. BUT SEEMS TO BE CORRECT!

about 12 years ago
New York
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