beechav8r's Profile

beechav8r's Posts

Re: Beechave8r

See through you like a book , you came here today, never posted here before, and have already said its your last post, and have posted since.

If Vette and Foxy can go back on their word, then why not me? Both those others said they would never post here and they came back posting. If you don't like my posts. don't click on them. Its that simple.

over 12 years ago
Re: Just another day in the, ask him if he has a question for Elmer

I read where you posted you were no longer going to post at AG and were going to remain silent until the "End game". What ever happened to that?

over 12 years ago
Re: Defense of our investments is not pumping....rogue you have gotten it dead wrong

What the??? I use the phrase "rubbish" and somehow that makes me the same person who also used the same phrase? Talk about a stretch. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. If this is how you people treat newcomers to the board who have been positive and not said one thing negative, then this is not the place for me. It's like grade school in here. This is my last post here, that's for sure.

over 12 years ago
Re: Defense of our investments is not pumping....rogue you have gotten it dead wrong

If you are so new how do you know what Foxy said in the past, I would be suprised if you read all the posts on this hub since you joined April 6 2012...

Another perfect example of the ridiculous nature of the accusations here. I said previously I had been reading the posts here for the past 2 months, but signed up to make a comment that I felt needed to be made. And FYI, you don't need to register here to read the posts. Good Grief.. :(

over 12 years ago
Re: Defense of our investments is not pumping....rogue you have gotten it dead wrong

With all due respect Foxyroller, your accusatory nature (accusing anybody who has a higher post rating than yours of being a basher in disguise out to get you) is absolute rubbish. As I write this your post is rated only a 2. Are you going to now claim somehow that bashers in disguise are conspiring with the longs to keep your posts from getting higher recommendations? Do you get the point I am making? It's ridiculous. Your accusations have really gotten that far out of hand.

You've made several posts in the past where you say the board needs to attract new people to the story, yet when new people like myself do come here, you throw out unfounded and unwarranted accusations at them. You need to climb down from the cross and stop with the over-inflated persona of the board policewoman, as you are doing far more harm than good. Treat other people with respect and there is a very good chance that respect will be returned in kind.

over 12 years ago
Re: Defense of our investments is not pumping....rogue you have gotten it dead wrong

Pumping is accomplished by a poster with no vested interest in the company or stock.....someone, who like the bashers, is paid by the MMs to promote the stock for their bosses once they have filled their quota on the way down and now want to accelerate the stock price to the upside to make money in that direction as well before reaching a certain level and dumping their position to take profit.

I've been quietly reading the posts here for over a month now but signed up just for the purpose of correcting the above statement as it is completely incorrect. First off, "Pumping" is not limited to paid groups or individuals. Anybody can be a pumper if they put enough time and effort into promoting a stock. The messageboards are full of pumpers and they are no different than you or I. They're not paid by MM's, they're just trying to move the stock price in the direction that makes them money - Which is normally to the upside.

Secondly, you got it dead wrong when you say that pumpers have no vested interest. Vested interest is the most important ingredient to a succesfull pumping campaign. In pumping 101, having a vested interest is the very first step. The second step is promotion. Over promoting falls into the pumping category without much difficulty. Consistency is the key.

Finally, "exposing bashers" as you put it, has caused more harm than good from what I've witnessed in this form over the past Month or so. It's highly unlikely that Bashers are paid by an organization to bash, in fact there was a lawsuit not terribly long ago involving a company who set out on a bashing campaign on internet messageboards. Their true intentions were exposed and they were sued and paid significant damages. I'm sure lessons were learned. The bashing I've seen is likely just regular people acting like complete jack a$$es trying to get a rise out of people. These people seem to enjoy the confrontations with others as it strangely makes them feel good about themselves by making others angry or uncomfortable. They are not being paid. They may have short positons, and they may of lost money previously and may simply be taking out their frustration in the form of bashing, so that they can make others feel as miserable as they feel deep down inside. Either way, going out of your way to expose these individuals just adds fuel to the fire. They feed off the confrontations. As long as you give them attention, they will keep doing what they are doing. Best thing to do is to completely ignore them. They have no bearing on what you believe to be true, so why empower them by giving them attention?

over 12 years ago
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