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bayo's Posts

Re: Costs

Just a thought... I believe someone else here mentioned how the press release was signed differently than normal, in a more personal way from her. To me this says it is a personal vendetta, and as such should be treated as one. I would tell the judge that you don't want any money from the company coffers, as that is the thing you are trying to save, but you would rather her pay personally. I'm obviously not a lawyer and have no idea if this is legal in any way, but in my humble opinion it is a reasonable request. A long shot I know, but if she starts to see her own $ being spent she might learn a valuable lesson.

All IMO of course.

over 11 years ago

I disagree there molson. Sculp is most certainly a big reason we are at $0.08. Without his level head and a few others on here continuously making us inexperienced guys remember the facts we would probably be at $0.04! Or worse 0 and the company would already be gone! Thanks again Rick and everyone else who is putting in all the hard work to save this company, and our investment.

over 11 years ago
Re: OK I'll ask

What on earth has Sculpin done to lose anyone's trust? His answers are candid, straightforeward, honest, and (most important) based in fact not fiction.

Thanks again Sculp...

over 12 years ago
Re: Questions from a newbi...

Well that make's a lot more sense.... Thanks.

Any answers to the other questions???

over 12 years ago
Re: Questions from a newbi...

Oh! one more...

When is the Havola (sorry if I spelled that wrong) going to be set up. Again if I remember correctly I thought it was supposed to be early this year...

over 12 years ago
Questions from a newbi...

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but many of you here seem to have the answers...

1) I see people talking about level 11's and 2's, I think I know what level 2 is, but what is level 11?

2) What is the difference between Gold Spot and Comex Gold???

3) How often should we be getting drill smaple results? And to further that, when were the holes drilled that we have info on? I seem to remember that drills were on site in August (please correct me if I'm wrong here), does it really take 5 months to drill and then test a hole?? I'm in no rush for a payout, just curious as this is my first time owning a significant (for me anyway) number of shares in this type of company.

Thanks again to all those here who are far smarter than me, and shed so much light on SLI... Your hard work is very much appreciated...


over 12 years ago
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