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baseball13's Posts

A little worried

One thing that worries me is that if Lori is withholding results why would she not want to release them. Any sign of positive results may assist in getting the current management team re - elected. No news or any attempt to help improve the share price makes me worry that there is no good news. If you were sitting on positive results or positive news and it was getting time to re - elect would you not release them right before voting takes place to try and improve the fractured relations with shareholders? Or is current management that incompetent and unable to see the amazing oppourtunity that we all feel SLI can be. Maybe I am overthinking this and if we do in fact get the new shareholder group in the state of the company will drastically improve and our direction will become clear. It is just hard for me to believe that her last stand is hiring a company to promote the white proxy. Seems like she has given up. Hopefully I am completely off base. Have a good weekend everyone.

almost 12 years ago
Re: I want what we were promised

I had some friends attend the "meeting" in Calgary. They have been interested in SLI for quite some time so I suggested they attend to find out more. They went from being potential investors to a definate "no" in approx. 20 minutes. The same amount of time Lori was late for the presentation. I have since tried to ignite their interest for the company but it is extremely difficult to do when our leader shows a lack of disrespect towards all in attendance. Maybe she did have a valid reason but without an explanation it is easy for people to assume tardiness. Now, eventhough we have great potential it has been overshadowed. I like many of you have been invovled in SLI for many years and still believe in my investment but over the last few months it has been extremely hard to get outsiders to view SLI in the same light which in turn does not benefit our sp. This post is not meant to be negative. I am trying to show that the leader of a company can influence the shareholders good or bad. My hope is that this event was an exception and not the norm. Kemo to your comments "I don't care but I will scrutinize a new leader relentlessly". I guess that is what many of the newer investors to SLI have been doing. You cannot blame people for having high expectations of Lori. She is responsible for alot of our hard earned $$$. Many of the newer investors who have lost greatly only have a small window to base their opinion of Lori on and I do not blame them for losing some faith. I wish that was not the case. As for my personal investment i am in for the long haul. I got in early enough to see many of the positive achievements that Lori and the management team have been able to accomplish. In order to attract new investors we may need to rely on our tightly knit shareholder base. I thank all who contribute to this forum. It provides insight and DD that would be nearly impossible to replicate without the help of our agoracom leaders. Without their hardwork i would have been out on SLI a long time ago. Please continue the hard work. We need to make people see how big of an oppourtunity SLI is and grow our investment.

over 12 years ago

Just wondering if it was required for SLI to halt trading for the release of the permit or was it a company decision. The reason I ask is because why would you a halt a stock on news that has very little effect on the sp. Maybe it did not take on the desired affect. Also, does anyone know a time frame for more news releases ?

over 13 years ago
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