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barak1's Posts

Re: New CLL SP target by Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse must be in a bad mood lately ;-)

They have dropped the target price of several companies I own, especially in the oil arena.

I don't put too much in to their reduction for CLL. They have lowered their outlook for oil in general and hence the oil stocks they follow.

Heck I think they even lowered some Canadian banks as well. Their loss.

Having said that, CLL does have some head winds with all that debt.

However, if they can hang on without diluting the share base too much more, they might do good. I personally believe oil prices will be sky rocketing when the economy kicks in to gear - which might not be for a while yet. But there is enough evidence for the scarcity of oil with respect to demand.

There are better companies to own when that happens, but I'll hold the remaining shares I have in CLL just to keep me interested in the story.

about 14 years ago
Re: Whats going on .

It will be a lot easier for me not to buy their products than it will be for them to boycott fuel from the oil sands.

about 14 years ago
Re: Great divide 1937 - Not CLL Great Divide OT

Ah, the Kicking Horse pass. I think you're right. I didn't think it was the Crow, as I didn't recognize the mountains.

Good eye.

about 14 years ago
Re: Great divide 1937

LOL. That is a fantastic shot! Trying to figure out which route that is.

about 14 years ago
Re: dead money for a while?

"This is done through keeping share prices low by sending forth an army of people who will bash the company directly or by saying it's an okay company but an investment is dead money because it'll be a long time for Sp to increase."


So, 1) I am from some "company", and 2) and I am an army.

How does the tin foil hat feel?

It seems like every stock on the bullboards is being manipulated and "held down". It couldn't possibly be due to company performance.

Anyways, tell me about some events coming up that will move the stock in the near term. If not, I stand by my statement. Sorry if it doesn't give you a good feeling. It's a public forum.

about 15 years ago
dead money for a while?

I don't see any near term drivers for this stock. It might fluctuate with the price of oil a bit. But other than that, the recent dilution will hold this back for some time I think. JMO

about 15 years ago
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