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babybreeze's Posts

Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Hey, Reno68, Slushie, Always, Biggerbob, Underhill68, and the other 11 aliases you've posted under... If shareholders want to voice their discontent, let them.  They earned the right and don't need your approval.  Give 'the parrot on the shoulder' repetitive drivel a rest.

over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

"But not to worry CUU shareholders, according to Elmer's News Releases a Schaft Creek production decision will come by 2011."


Hang in there Golf.  If the production decision doesn't come by 2011, Copper Fox will surely monitize this project in 2014, as per Copper Fox's Message to Shareholders:


"Copper Fox plans to look at various strategies in which to monetize its 25% interest in the Schaft Creek project in 2014"

over 7 years ago
Re: $2.70 Copper

IMO, the more we get close to the 3$US mark for copper, the more we will start to see some activity around us.


That, I most definitely would not count on.  Over the past 12 months Copper has risen from 1.96 USD/lb to 2.69 USD/lb. And yet despite this rally in the price of Copper, CUU is trading at the same price now as it was a year ago at this same time, when copper was trading around 2.00.  And you can't say that all the juniors are in the same boat as Copper Fox right now, as you'd be hard pressed to find any of CUU's peers who are still hovering around the same price they were a year ago like CUU is.  The market is fully aware of our situation in regards to the future of the project, and hence the shareprice, being hinged to a decision by Teck, with no timeline for said decision to be made.  The price of Copper can go above 3.00, and it's very much a possibility we would still be trading within a couple pennies, give or take, of where we are right now.  Copper Fox is a cuckold of sorts, in that until Teck removes the restraints, we will be doing far more envious watching of others having fun, than participating.



almost 8 years ago
Re: Teck acquires AQM Copper

If you were to go back and re-read my original post, you will see I did not make a specific mention about copper explorers flying this year. I said Juniors in the energy/mining sector on the Venture were flying and leading the rally (from roughly 600pts to around 2400pts in two years from 2009-2011), with 2009 being the most recent rally where the little guys on the Venture outpaced ther big brothers on the TSX. Returning back to the original point I was trying to make, history shows that it isn't always the big producers that go up first, followed by mid caps, then explorers, etc.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Teck acquires AQM Copper

Show us all the junior explorers who exploded before the big boys this time. 


I said in my previous post, the most recent was 2009.   We're not in a stage of global market collapse now like we were in '08.  What was holding back the CDN market had nothing to do with the US credit crisis of '08. It's really the CDN market that's been struggling the past few years.  The US markets have been bullish for quite a while now.  

As it stands right now, yes, the large caps have been performing better than the small caps.  However, if you look at the overall venture chart for the past 52 weeks,  it's not a bad looking chart at all.  It's actually moving along rather well.  Can't blame CUU's woes on the venture exchange itself.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Teck acquires AQM Copper

Cuu.v started to move one year later in March 2010 and reached it's peak in April 2011.


V.CUU has always been historically late to the party, so not a good representation of how the junior market moved overall post '08 global collapse. Take a look at practically any other junior energy/mining stock in early 2009.  They were moving hard and fast. 

almost 8 years ago
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