azuza's Profile

Born 1953, Married 39 years, 3 children, 17 grandchildren, Steelworker (Heavy Equipment Operator) at Hamilton, Ontario for 30 years (RET.)

azuza's Posts

Re: Agorocom & OSC

Greetings RJ,

And congrats on your promotion. Although I have not been very active on the board lately, I have been around awhile and was a little dissapointed at the developments regarding the posting thing. However, I am long past that and have stuck and will continue to stick with this site. I have received much valuable info here and also am still impressed by the quality of postings and the dignity and respectful attitudes of the opinions of others even when disagreeing about various positions. I pretty much gave up on SH awhile back when I saw the downward spiral within the various posting areas.

So here I am and here I stay....

Take Care!


almost 14 years ago
Re: News...

Thanks for posting that "J"!!! Always good to see some news. Still holding and watching. I have been busy lately and haven't been following the board as regular as usual. Hoping my schedule will allow for some quality time doing some DD in the near future. Till then I am quite comfortable to just let it all ride. However if I see a good jump in any of my holdings I may sell half of something and increase my position in ATV for longer term gain....

Take care and thanks for the many great contributions over the last few months...



about 14 years ago
Some News...

3.07 g/t Gold Over 13.9 m Intersected Within a 34.5 m Wide Zone Averaging 1.93 g/t Gold on Alto's Coldstream Property, Ontario

13 hours ago - ACQUIREMEDIA

		VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 21, 2010) - Alto Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATV) -


-- 3.07 g/t gold over 13.9 m within a 34.5 metre-wide zone averaging 1.93
g/t gold

-- 4.26 g/t gold over 4.8 m within a 26.15 metre-wide zone averaging 1.09
g/t gold

-- 5.47 g/t gold over 6.9 m within a 13.0 metre-wide zone averaging 3.06
g/t gold

Alto Ventures Ltd. is pleased to announce the results from the first three drill holes of the 8,000 m drill program on the East Coldstream Gold Deposit ("Deposit") located at the Coldstream Property in Ontario. The work is being carried out by Foundation Resources Inc. (FDN: TSX-V) who is the Project Operator and is funding this exploration program to earn an interest in the Coldstream Property.

Table of Significant Gold Assays

From To Width Gold
Drill Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (grams/tonne)
C-10-23 (North Zone) 80.40 114.90 34.50 1.93
Including: 95.30 109.20 13.90 3.07
106.20 109.20 3.00 5.25
112.65 114.90 2.25 3.0

(Main Zone) 205.90 227.10 21.20 0.72
Including: 205.90 207.15 1.25 3.56
214.25 214.85 0.60 4.52
225.85 227.10 1.25 2.90

C-10-24 (Main Zone) 41.75 54.25 12.50 1.06
Including: 48.25 49.35 1.10 4.07

(North Zone) 152.85 179.00 26.15 1.09
Including: 157.45 162.25 4.80 4.26

C-10-25 (Main Zone) 105.75 157.30 51.55 0.82
Including: 105.75 113.95 8.20 1.80
149.70 157.30 7.60 2.65

(North Zone) 207.35 220.35 13.00 3.06
Including: 211.90 218.80 6.90 5.47

The current 8,000 m drill program is designed to follow up on the positive results obtained from the 2010 winter drilling, increase confidence in the continuity of gold mineralization within the Deposit and to expand the existing, non-NI 43-101 compliant, historical resource. Each of the current three holes (C-10-23, C-10-24 and C-10-25) intersected wide sections of gold mineralization in both the Main and North zones; these zones lie parallel to each other and are located less than 100 metres apart. The Main and North zones were also drilled during the 2010 winter program and wide intercepts of gold mineralization, including sections with high grade gold values were reported by Alto on March 29, April 6, and April 21 2010. Gold in both zones is associated with pyrite and occurs within strongly sheared and hydrothermally altered (silica, albite, sericite, magnetite and hematite) areas of mafic to intermediate metavolcanics and quartz-feldspar porphyry intrusive rocks.

Drill hole C-10-23 was drilled at 160 degrees/-53 degrees to a depth of 267.31 metres, C-10-24 drilled at 337 degrees/-48 degrees to a depth of 252.07 metres, and C-10-25 was drilled at 334 degrees/-50 degrees to a depth of 288.65 metres. All intervals are represented as down hole core lengths, with the true widths estimated between 70-75 percent of core length.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Drill core processing included descriptive logging and selection of samples for geochemical analyses. The NQ2-size core was cut in two halves using a stationary rock saw at the field camp in Kashabowie, Ontario. One-half of the core was delivered to the sample preparation lab of ALS Chemex Laboratory in Thunder Bay where they were crushed and a 1000-gram pulp was prepared. The pulp was then shipped to ALS Chemex Laboratory in North Vancouver, B.C. for analyses. The gold assaying method uses a standard Fire Assay with ICP-AES technique on a 30-gram pulp material taken from a 1000g split from the submitted sample. Any sample that exceeded upper detection limit of 10 ppm or grams was re-analyzed by the same Fire Assay method but with gravimetric finish. Commercially prepared standards and blanks were inserted by Foundation every 20 samples to insure precision of the results. ALS Chemex inserted its own standards, blanks and carried out duplicate analyses on sample pulps to ensure internal lab quality control. For regular Fire Assay technique with an ICP-AES finish, the lab inserted 1 blank at the beginning, 2 standards at random intervals, and 3 duplicates were analyzed at the end of the batch of every 84 samples. For the Fire Assay method with gravimetric finish, inserting 1 blank, 2 standards, and 1 duplicate followed the same procedure on a batch of every 20 samples.

Ike Osmani, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for Foundation Resources Inc. who supervised the program.

About the East Coldstream Deposit:

The Deposit, with historically reported resources of 5.1.......

about 14 years ago
Re: Back in...

Greetings J!

"I am waiting for the bounce back a few years, "

Well I count two of us here and am hoping for some news to propel us to a more sane level. I have been playing around with exploration stocks for a few years and for the most part it has been profitable, but when it hasn't been it has at least been educational. :-)

Take Care!


about 14 years ago
Many Thanks

Greetings All!

I too must add my thanks and appreciation for all those who spent their time on this forum educating all about a diversity of subjects including but not limited to: Investing Strategy, Various law info on many investing subjects and even some just plain common sense. I still believe the ROF will offer many opportunities for profitable investing and will most likely still dabble in it. To be quite honest, my confidence has been somewhat shaken with the stuff happening at FWR and SPQ.

Still holding a little KWG, and I kinda like the prospects of ATV.

Thanks again....


about 14 years ago
Back in...

Greetings All!

I was thinking the other day that now might be a good re-entry time, as the coldsream property looks promising. SPQ is out and ATV is now in as far as my portfolio is concerned, though I hesitate to call it that with my limited investments.

Take Care!


about 14 years ago
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