aurizon's Profile

aurizon's Posts

Re: From the CBC - What Next?

Looks like the next defensive move by OSK, if G tries to top this, is for an additional Canadian/Quebec company or two to join with Yamana and AE to pull a pac-man and make an offer for G. Sure G is big, but ripe to fall.

When I saw that G wants to place their 'stellar' (massive irony quotes here) in charge of OSK it made me realize that G was an inept company and needs to be humbled in this manner. I can just see the G board salivating at how they will increase SH values by a massive sucking down of board stipends, while they leave mine operations as they are, and drag OSK down to their dismal level.

over 10 years ago
Re: JL Out / PS Back In ?

There is a hidden story here that has facts I am not yet fully aware of, but have some inkling of. The company needs to reveal these facts because my ability to discover them is limited. If I spoke out without confirmation it might be grounds for legal action against me.

over 10 years ago
Re: How Much Would We Benefit From Real Executive Leadership?

Timely insider reporting, for one, SEDI thinks FNC still owns 9,000,000 RGX shares, yet they sold 3,000,000 or more?. Detailed attention needs to be paid to these matters because we rely on them.

over 10 years ago
Re: How Much Would We Benefit From Real Executive Leadership?

It appears that those people he thought were friends and bosom buddies, were in fact not the buddies they seemed to be and might have had a hidden agenda in getting rid of capable and experienced people from the board so their agenda could move forward?

over 10 years ago
Re: OSK "Buy" Rating

Pointless to tender to Goldcorp, their price is declining and Osisko's good earnings will be unable to plug the hole in the "Titanic", so I will not sell at these prices. I am still anticipating a White Knight defensive assembly because Goldcorp and others will pick off undervalued stocks at these low prices. Look at Brigus, a Timmins area producer, gobbled up and they had a lot of promise.

over 10 years ago
Re: Goldcorp reports $1.1B Q4 loss, sales decline

It is quite clear that the old song "Hitch your Wagon to a Star" is on Goldcorp's mind.

On the other hand, as an OSK shareholder, I do not want to be hitched to a stone that seems fated to decline even further.

Goldcorp is in decline, and I want no part of a future tied to them. There are strategic combinations of Quebec companies in Val d'Or and environs that make far more sense to get together as a group of equals combining to stave off any assault by Goldcorp.

I think(hope) that this court based respite will give time for these companies to get together and structure a Quebec based winner, instead of a tail on a dog.

over 10 years ago
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