augrusot's Profile

augrusot's Posts

Re: Volume pop today

This afternoon's trades:

$0.65 - 364,000 shares @ 15:12:31

$0.63 - 364,000 shares @ 15:13:01

$0.66 - 9,000 shares @15:43:47

$0.65 - 9,000 shares @ 15:44:16

$0.65 - 25,000 shares @ 15:58:17

$0.66 - 26,000 shares @ 15:58:35

$0.66 - 1,000 shares @ 15:59:08

over 13 years ago
Re: News story (dated April13, 2011) from the Herald Sun

From the article: "While the float plans are still at an early stage, a US source said Gutnick's Legend International Holdings had put out feelers to brokers in Australia to raise between $150 million and $250 million to dual list on the Australian Securities Exchange and the US AMEX market."

Does this mean dilution?

over 13 years ago
Re: Observations from the 2010 annual report MORE OBSERVATIONS


Do you own any shares in LGDI?

Based on your posts, I hope not.

The question is, if you have no ownership in LGDI, then why do you bother to post messages?

What do you care if the company goes under?

The rest of us have looked at this company and decided that it is worth owning. I have been an owner for over 3 years and I have bought and sold some over that period.

Junior miners that don't have production are always trying to find some kind of balance and always face cash problems every year or so.

If Nomura doesn't find a deal for them, then I will probably be out of this stock having waited long enough, but if a good deal comes out of this, then I think you will regret not owning any shares.

over 13 years ago
Re: Pacifer report,nothing more!!

I think the biggest problem is that LGDI does not trade on a real exchange. If it did, that would make a big difference in the liquidity and the price action.

over 13 years ago
Re: Bidding war imminent!!

Just to clarify, there was no law change in Canada (I live there) around the potash deal. The Canadian government always reviews any major deal involving foreign investment. In the majority of cases, it allows the deal. Sometimes it doesn't.

Not sure if Australia has similar government reviews about foreign investment.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Outlook from Potash inc

Moving to the TSX Venture exchange would be the best thing. There is no minimum share price and it is a real exchange. I am pretty sure that a move to the TSX venture would create significantly better liquidity for the shares. The majority of junior miners list on the TSX-V, why LGDI is not there is beyond me.


almost 14 years ago
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