audigger's Profile

Long time prospector. Private Business owner Canadian mineral exploration. Market Survivor and gold bug. My Favorite Blog

audigger's Posts


I like this company. They have steadily moved ahead and met objectives. Research indicates that they are "on gold" and are using the right methods to try to prove it up at a better amount. Exploration as it should be.

over 11 years ago
Re: Q4

I have been away for this discussion board and others ... on an self applied removal ... I just decided to say away.

Anyway who can fill me in on a couple of items:

Why is the price of San Gold now so Low?

What is the status of the SG1 mine and why did it fail to deliver along with cartwright?

A few years ago they were the buzz of the business ...

Appearantly San now has The Hinge, 007 and other sources of gold near surface. What is the status of those deposits? Near surface gold mines should have a significant less cost per once of gold production than reported by San as recent costs on Sedar.

I realize that the market has kicked Junior Gold stocks down and most all companies suffer as a result. However SGR seems to have a heck of a time defining to the market that they are either good at mining gold at a profit or good at finding it. There is a difference. With cash in the bank and ready onces being produced SGR should have proved up their production ability by now and streamlined costs to reach profittability like any good mining company should have or could have. But they have not done so.

The other concern I have is the manner in which they reslease news. They appear to be undecided about defining the company. Almost like walking a thin line. Deciding between projecting themselves as a producer or as an explorer is appearantly undecided by management and is reflected in thier press releases. Reading between the lines there appears to be a bundle of exploratory drilling and geo work that isn't being Freshly reported in news releases.

I don't hold over 2000 shares anymore.

over 11 years ago
Price performance

$1.23 september 5th 2012.. I am thinking...

I asked why such a low head grade to the mill ... it doesn't make sense .... if you wish to push performane over the grades talked about ... you probally should have shown people that you can now mine higher grade after talkng about it for the last 3 years.

anyone remember the cartwright zone and when that was the next best thing 3 years ago... and now 007 etc. ... such would change things ya think or at least work to improve them .. but it hasn't

over 12 years ago
Re: RBC facing CFTC case over wash trades

most people do not know about was'in... but banks get away with it ...

over 12 years ago
Re: Financing

The word pleased is the most overused word in the Candian mining / exploration sector ...

over 12 years ago
Re: News

Please excuse my spelling ... I can't get this pad thing down properly without taking more time than I am used to to post a comment anywhere..


over 12 years ago
St. Johns
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