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A couple of points Ian talked about:

-burn rate was 3-4mil but with cuts to drilling, they are nearer 2 mil and hopefully heading to 1 mil.

- also, looking at a newer mining method (he said the name but I can't remember) may help lower costs.

- currently cutting costs in capitol , equip & overhead (?) with intent to lower overall mining costs

- important belief of Board is that SGR made claims but never lived up to them - got hammered by analysts - so they promise that they will live up to statements and objectives

- also re: stock option plan , though approved, it will not be abused and a commiittee will review to amend it for shareholder approval in future (the current one goes for 3 years but whether the new plan is ready before then was not clear!

about 11 years ago
Re: Revised Hinge #4 Vein calculations >750,000 oz!!

How are amounts determined for indicated vs inferred?

A possible qustion for AGM - what is a cut-off of information (or number of drill results) before a 43-101 is recalculated and issued?

thanx for the work you do to keep us informed


over 16 years ago
Re: San Gold grants options to buy 1.75 million shares

At the AGM this year, Dale talked about the options plan which was subject to a vote of approval.

He stated that San's percent (I don't remember the number) was not large within industry numbers. Also he said it was a necesssary to attract and/or retain employees - it was not about dilution.

The statement was supported by a comment from C Shearer (I believe) that this was all within accepted industry practices so this announcement should not be taken negatively.

over 16 years ago
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