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Re: Cypress & Skyharbour updates-July 12 th

whats the deepest we've drilled so far out of all the holes? how far down will this one go before they pull it up and start another daughter?


about 14 years ago
house 19 - Desjardins

Looks like they are optomistic about something.... buying lots of 100,00 into the ask...


over 14 years ago
ROF will be big part of budget

QUEEN’S PARK – The Northern economy was a hot topic in Queen’s Park on Wednesday. Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Michael Gravelle was under fire during Question Period from Randy Hillier, the PC Critic.

Hillier asked why the McGuinty Government will not scrap its Far North Act and generate a better plan for hydro pricing in the North.

Gravelle stated that “We make no apologies for protecting the boreal forest, and we are going to build the northern economy through our Open Ontario plan with the Ring of Fire development that was in our throne speech: an extraordinary development, one of the greatest opportunities we've seen in northern Ontario in over a century”.

The Open Ontario plan is a five-year plan for Ontario. Experts say that before a working chromite mines is in place it is likely at least five years if not longer.

Here is the complete exchange from the Hansard at Queen’s Park:

Mr. Randy Hillier: My question is for the Premier. Yesterday, the Leader of the Opposition launched our "10 for 2010" website of 10 good ideas that, when implemented, will create private sector jobs and get Ontario's economy back on course.

One of these ideas is to create jobs in northern Ontario, a region where families have seen six years of lip service from you, Premier, but have seen no action.

Will you adopt the PC plan to restore northern Ontario's freedom to pursue resource-based job creation north of the 51st parallel and give the north a real say on the revenues and where they'll be directed?

Hon. Dalton McGuinty: To the Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry.

Hon. Michael Gravelle: Thank you very much for the question. Indeed, may I tell the member from the other side of the House that the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry is very proud of the investments that our government has made to the northern Ontario heritage fund, rising from $60 million to $80 million. We are doing some work in terms of the forestry sector, providing extraordinary incentives to the industry, working on wood supply competition and certainly working on a forest tenure system.

The fact is, if I may say so, we are looking forward to the budget tomorrow. I hope I'm not stepping out of line by saying that. Certainly we are looking forward to having some announcements that are significant for northern Ontario. But the long and the short of it is that our government has been incredibly supportive of northern Ontario. We have created 12,000 jobs, or retained 12,000 jobs, in northern Ontario through the northern Ontario heritage fund alone and, quite frankly, there's a lot-

The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Thank you. Supplementary?

Mr. Randy Hillier: Investment needs certainty, but your ham-fisted policies have chased away those wanting to invest in the north, because the Far North Act creates uncertainty. But don't just take my word for it. Harold Wilson, the president of the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, says, "When you say that 50% of land will be taken out of use and preserved, but you don't say which 50%, you rather create difficulties on the 100%." He also adds that hydro in Ontario costs twice what it does in Manitoba and Quebec, and the McGuinty Liberals' new taxes will drive it up even more.

Will you follow our advice and scrap your ill-conceived Far North Act?

Hon. Michael Gravelle: We make no apologies for protecting the boreal forest, and we are going to build the northern economy through our Open Ontario plan with the Ring of Fire development that was in our throne speech: an extraordinary development, one of the greatest opportunities we've seen in northern Ontario in over a century. May I say, the member was with us at Meet the Miners Day yesterday. We are working with the mining community and the mining sector in terms of modernizing the Mining Act, and we've worked closely with them to help bring investment back to northern Ontario. We've provided a balanced piece of legislation that continues to provide a positive investment climate while we also reflect 21st century values. But I'll tell you again: no apologies from us. The fact is, we are very excited about the Open Ontario plan for the Ring of Fire which will create thousands of jobs in northern Ontario in the next decade.

over 14 years ago
ROF will be big part of budget

QUEEN’S PARK – The Northern economy was a hot topic in Queen’s Park on Wednesday. Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Michael Gravelle was under fire during Question Period from Randy Hillier, the PC Critic.

Hillier asked why the McGuinty Government will not scrap its Far North Act and generate a better plan for hydro pricing in the North.

Gravelle stated that “We make no apologies for protecting the boreal forest, and we are going to build the northern economy through our Open Ontario plan with the Ring of Fire development that was in our throne speech: an extraordinary development, one of the greatest opportunities we've seen in northern Ontario in over a century”.

The Open Ontario plan is a five-year plan for Ontario. Experts say that before a working chromite mines is in place it is likely at least five years if not longer.

Here is the complete exchange from the Hansard at Queen’s Park:

Mr. Randy Hillier: My question is for the Premier. Yesterday, the Leader of the Opposition launched our "10 for 2010" website of 10 good ideas that, when implemented, will create private sector jobs and get Ontario's economy back on course.

One of these ideas is to create jobs in northern Ontario, a region where families have seen six years of lip service from you, Premier, but have seen no action.

Will you adopt the PC plan to restore northern Ontario's freedom to pursue resource-based job creation north of the 51st parallel and give the north a real say on the revenues and where they'll be directed?

Hon. Dalton McGuinty: To the Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry.

Hon. Michael Gravelle: Thank you very much for the question. Indeed, may I tell the member from the other side of the House that the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry is very proud of the investments that our government has made to the northern Ontario heritage fund, rising from $60 million to $80 million. We are doing some work in terms of the forestry sector, providing extraordinary incentives to the industry, working on wood supply competition and certainly working on a forest tenure system.

The fact is, if I may say so, we are looking forward to the budget tomorrow. I hope I'm not stepping out of line by saying that. Certainly we are looking forward to having some announcements that are significant for northern Ontario. But the long and the short of it is that our government has been incredibly supportive of northern Ontario. We have created 12,000 jobs, or retained 12,000 jobs, in northern Ontario through the northern Ontario heritage fund alone and, quite frankly, there's a lot-

The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Thank you. Supplementary?

Mr. Randy Hillier: Investment needs certainty, but your ham-fisted policies have chased away those wanting to invest in the north, because the Far North Act creates uncertainty. But don't just take my word for it. Harold Wilson, the president of the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, says, "When you say that 50% of land will be taken out of use and preserved, but you don't say which 50%, you rather create difficulties on the 100%." He also adds that hydro in Ontario costs twice what it does in Manitoba and Quebec, and the McGuinty Liberals' new taxes will drive it up even more.

Will you follow our advice and scrap your ill-conceived Far North Act?

Hon. Michael Gravelle: We make no apologies for protecting the boreal forest, and we are going to build the northern economy through our Open Ontario plan with the Ring of Fire development that was in our throne speech: an extraordinary development, one of the greatest opportunities we've seen in northern Ontario in over a century. May I say, the member was with us at Meet the Miners Day yesterday. We are working with the mining community and the mining sector in terms of modernizing the Mining Act, and we've worked closely with them to help bring investment back to northern Ontario. We've provided a balanced piece of legislation that continues to provide a positive investment climate while we also reflect 21st century values. But I'll tell you again: no apologies from us. The fact is, we are very excited about the Open Ontario plan for the Ring of Fire which will create thousands of jobs in northern Ontario in the next decade.

over 14 years ago
lets carry on

Now that the stop losses have been triggered and people got in on the cheap... lets move forward again... still say we close .135 or higher


over 14 years ago

Got my questions addressed..... Thanks!


over 14 years ago
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