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Re: Fluffy

I'm with the Cat! Our time will come. In the meantime, a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. Prosperity may come to us in 2017, but more important, may you all be happy and healthy.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Fluffy

I have just logged in for the last time to answer you, Fluffy. It's about Wishfulthinker. I could play around with that one too but let's be just a little bit serious.

Do you think I know enough to answer his questions properly? I almost deleted what I wrote becasue on second thought, I wondered what was useful in the context of the questions he asked. Not much, if anything.

Besides, why the worry? You know as well as I what he is up to. Ask a question there is no answer for, least of all from most of us here. I'm thinking the few who may have an answer are not posting lately. I understand the story with Zenyatta and its history. I cannot disagree with their decision. Actually, it is in line with Zenyatta publishing only what they must. I have said repeatedly, I support the say as little as possible. Of course, that is assuming that I am right in my thoughts.

I have a lot of better questions I'd like to ask than what these birds are asking. It isn't to convince me about anything Zenyatta. I know what I need to know. It's more what I'm curious about. Three times I emailed simple questions to Zenyatta and had no reply. I didn't ask anything close to what might be confidential. But something like this is not going to separate me from my shares. The last lady hired, is it Mara? Everyone was so excited and expected more than enough news to read. The quantity has not come about as some expected, but the quality sure is much better. The news will come in its proper time as the labs produce results. I'm sure we are moving past the labs more than we ralize.

I wish I could hazzard a guess on time. We've all failed on that one. All the way up to the CEO! AE made some well intentioned predictions on time lines over the last few years. Nobody has got it right to date. At least the ones that talk. There is a simple answer to that. Not one person ever realized what Zenyatta really has in this find. No doubt some are better informed than others, but it is not too long ago that the drive forward embraced graphene and brought that into a much bigger role.

So what is next? I am only sure that one dummy trying to answer the questions of another dummy isn't going to jeopardize Zenyatta. Musky and I are going to da moon with Alice. Now, let's lighten up a little.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Fluffy

If Zenyatta worked like this new Agoracom does for me, I'd sell all my Zenyatta shares. I have to sign in every time to post and then go out and re-enter to answer your post. Anyways, here I am............

I do not have any idea about what high yield means nor do I worry about that. I do know that high yield is better than low or moderate yield. I worked in a lab so I know a few things about how long tests take. Then you test more and more to find where you might fail. So you can easily worry about too much.

I noticed they were measuring against synthetic, and have been over time. Synthetic is the bench-mark to measure against. It only exists due to need. They have no other product to do the job that synthetic does. To have an abundance of graphite like Zenyatta has and to be tested against the best, meet or beat that product, and you want me to worry about things none of you guys understand either?

There is work to be done for sure. I'd rather enquire about how we are going to mass produce graphene for the quantity we'll need to supply to end users. Scienece and manufacuring has produced some graet things. I beleieve Zenyatta will be a major part of this new field. Progress is what I am watching for. It is very slow and painful. I get that part.

Who else has a team to match Zenyatta? They all have respected reputations to protect. What is more important is they have an opportunity here to enhance that reputation. I believe they are going to accomplish that.

You are asking good questions. But why are you asking them in the wrong place? You and I know you will not have your questions answered here. If you were sincere you would ask where you could get an answer. You will not get it from anyone writing here.

In a practical way, by the time all this does get published, at what price might the shares be worth? Based on what I know, I'll buy them when they are cheap. By the time you know what you are looking for, I couldn't afford to buy enough shares to matter. This lengthy time that it has taken Zenyatta to develop to this point has allowed me to double my position at cheap prices. At the same time the risk has lessened dramatically. It is the way I see Zenyatta.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Fluffy

" Shouldn't it be? "

Absolutely no!!!!!!!!!!!!! When those testing the Zenyatta graphite are completely finished with whatever the tests are and when they decide the right time is, then publish the results. This does not suit most shareholders of Zenyatta nor does it satisfy our critics. But the people who are testing this "one of a kind discovery" should be who decide when. I have always been content with this "so called secrecy " of news. Every test that Zenyatta has released news about has met or exceeded expectations. I am sure that whenever they release further news, they will have the same or better results. This is why I am a shareholder who is happy with everything Zenyatta.

My only flaw is that I am a little impatient! At times!

Why not hold your other investment up to the same standards as you do Zenyatta? I am still waiting for them to release to their long suffering shareholders what the results are from their drill holes. Have you forgotten about them? Did I miss them? maybe! But I only concern myself with what I hold. Everything else really doesn't matter to me, except I wish them no harm. All the best!

almost 8 years ago
Re: graphene material of the future

That's coming!!!!!!!!!!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: graphene material of the future

Well, Fluffy, We have been having these glowing NR's by Zenyatta for four years now and the share price is $1 plus a few cents. The market has been saying that Zenyatta does not have the goods! These are really not "new facts" as you say, just more evidence that the market has not believed.

So we have the "lemming effect" to consider. For sure the share holders of ZEN are not lemmings. There are too few of us.

So far, the share price says that ZEN holders are on the wrong side. I like the evidence from the labs. Nothing from that source supports the lemmings. But wait until the lemmings change direction! Then watch the share price.............

almost 8 years ago
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