anj2's Profile

anj2's Posts

Re: Still Sleeping

and yes, i do have proof to back what i have said.

about 14 years ago
Re: Investing


when i invested did not know about the practice sna does. if i knew u bet i would not have invested.

i have figured out my average cost since 7th april to get out...i do not care about additional 10% for trouble or commission. unfortunately i do average in mid 30's. when it gets there i will get out for sure. if i would have got out, would not write anything here.

about 14 years ago
Re: Still Sleeping

I have expressed what I have experienced.

about 14 years ago
Re: Still Sleeping


I have invested in SNA for around 8 months and i do not consider myself very knowledgeable person. BUT we share same frustration.

Yes, when you read the news releases from 2005, 2006, 2007,, 2008 there were lot of hype and rumors. and i think same thing is happening again and again. something is wrong for sure. whenever star comes up with good news, share price goes down as soon as news is released. the interesting thing is every time just few days before news is suppose to be released, price goes up and then goes down on the release of the news.

in normal case when company is honest what happens is first the news release comes and then share price and volume goes up after the release. But with sna, share volume and price goes up just before the news announcement and as soon as news realizes that news is not even close to the rumors and price slides down.

Modus operandi here...........spread the rumor in the market about great upcoming news/contract, let the price jump 20, 30 50% and sell the cheap stocks bought at 6, 12, 14,15 cents. when market realize after the news, price will go down and again buy those cheap shares and repeat the same thing every few months.

I have started to believe that sna management is not honest about their business. they are playing the stock market.

And yes, very true name of this company is being dragged through the mud. could not say better than that.

about 14 years ago
Re: Shaheen Air International

Mkt Inventor, what do you mean by mentioning Westjet here? Sorry bout could not get what you trying to say. Plz explain. Thx.


about 14 years ago
Re: 5 years


I will share my thoughts, I may be wrong.......may be right.......who knows, only time can tell.

I have invested in SNA since February of this year. I once believed that SNA will start doing great things and we will see share price around $5 to $10 within a year or so. But now I personally think its not going to be possible. There are competitors out there with similar kind of offerings, we do not know how aviation industry is going to respond to this product. If aviation authorities make live data streaming from FDR mandatory then things can be very great but I do not think its happening soon. I still remember Viraf said that we are going to go to TSX or bigger exchange soon in the May interview. I seriously doubt that. If management was very sure about company's near future then they would not have done last private placement at $.12 and warrant shares at only $.20. Whenever SNA comes up with good news, share price goes down. Something is wrong for sure.

ANYWAY, as you said, lets assume that SNA keeps the momentum going for next five years or so then things will be good for long terms investors. Lets suppose they can get contracts from 5 to 10 airlines with 200+ installations during next five years then in my opinion share price could be between $2 to $10 (BUT not with more share dilution).

Share your thinkings and predictions with us.


about 14 years ago
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