andrewdog's Profile

Gold Miner. Hi-grade preferred.

andrewdog's Posts

Re: All right, I'm ready for some good things to start happening already...

Trr. rmx, first point will be something else, avoid pipedreams. The pumpers are easy to see. "one drill" amounts to no interest, low grade, minimal intersections, dilution is a huge variable to the tiny amount of gold which could never be mined at a profit. Therefore this will never be considered ore. Period

about 13 years ago
Re: Managed to grab a few

Need decent grade along with tonnage to width, depth. Lots of strike and this bit of mineralization just hasnt materialized!

Lots of hope that something gets proved up, but the fact is geologists i've had look into the results interpolate the numbers so far as not even close to establishing an orebody.

I hope the best from the one? drill results for this summer.

about 13 years ago
Re: Poll: should mgmt pay 3X to get assay results faster

Followed up from 20 till 70ish, dropping off shares along the way. I will not consider getting back in till the pump is over with, the numbers cruch and this turns out to be an orebody and not speculation.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Some tree shaking at 0.425

What do you mean less sellers??

900,000 shares traded with only an average vol of less that 400,000/day tells me traders are getting slightly concerned.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Program buying back again

The assays will do the talking. Not the amount of work with only one drill cranking steel, not the the speculation any longer (especially at this point), only positive information.

The results that are being witheld along with the assays forthcoming will be the primary variable which will govern the share price.

almost 14 years ago
Re: We have some action

I wish i had bought more shares. However, i'm not sure if i'm going to unload just yet.

Gnh brought me for a nice ride but the numbers currently don't jive so i let go with a profit.

almost 14 years ago
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