analytical's Profile

analytical's Posts

Re: Work Plan 2015

I agree, this is a good workplan. The drilling of LaCasse was unexpected as should have nothing to do with the Optimization study. IMO, they maybe drilling LaCasse to help in determining the buy out bid. Let hope for some really good grades.

On VD, e-mail Lynn last week and she said the QA people meet in Arizona last week to go over things. We should know shortly if we are going directly to PEA or if more work in involved.

We are setting up to have a good year.


over 9 years ago
Re: reputation

Total agree, negotiation with two or more players. Once you get lawyers involved, thinks get delayed.


over 11 years ago
Re: Delay and Management`s Noncommital Timeline

I agree except it may be partners.


over 11 years ago
Re: EA Expenses

Mahzman2, I agree we will get a very decent payout. TECH and CIC have been looking at a joint venture for awhile. Don said so in a BNN interview a couple years ago when he was asked this very question. His reply was we have not found the right project yet. If a mining district in TECK backyard is not the right project then what is. I'm still in the camp for a +$5 takeout. We have to remember the takeout will be based on fair value of the district not share price.

glta to all.


over 11 years ago
Re: EA Expenses

I like your mine life. People have to understand we are selling a district that will be mine for a very long time. How ofton do you find a district? Not that ofton and any larger miner now a days would love to find a district that they can mine for a century. Teck is not walking away and IMO, Teck & CIC will buy CUU out.


over 11 years ago
Re: Loyal Supporters Of CUU Just Relax...

Very well said and I like your buy out price.



over 11 years ago
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