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Re: Hub leaders!!

Beautiful post Doodlebug!, on both notes. Spot on!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Babaoriley vs Kaths version

Mac: I think you hit a bulls-eye with your succinct impression of the AGM. I was about to pen something similar, but you beat me to it. We know that they have produced a VCSEL (s), but what we now need is volume. (yield) No use in signing NRE's until you can prove both quality and volume, and then sign from a position of, not just strength, but dominance! I get the impression that we are oh so close though, and we have the team to get us there in Ajit, Subhash and Suresh. Thank you Kath, Brightech,Babaoriley and Mazan for your trip and feedback from SJC. Cheers.... Cam

about 8 years ago
Re: S/P (93 cents now).... Perhaps ....

How about VCSEL results so positive they tip the scales for one or more customers to

sign contracts!

over 8 years ago
Re: Warrants, options, the AGM

I"m with you UNH, I think it could be a dangerous game of chicken to restrict our current managements options.(pun intended) I would hope that with being much better informed than we are. they know what they are doing.I guess it boils down to trust,and with all they have accomplished in the last year, I give them my trust. A strong minority vote to restrict options though, might send a warning shot across the Bow!

over 8 years ago
Re: Reading transcript is

Why Not.... It's Friday

over 8 years ago
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