ahasja's Profile

ahasja's Posts

Re: 28th

  • rockymica wrote: "The problem I have is that mangement has lost credibility on both the tech side and the financial side. They have misled on the tech side and have been brutalized on the financial deal at our expense not theirs. Until they provide something concrete everything will be taken negatively. If they say something positive and the stock rallies it will be met with a lot of sellers waiting for the opportunity to sell. If they say something remotely negative it will tank some more. I say this from a long position for many years."

rockymica, I very much appreciate your voice here in the forum. But this time I feel the need to disagree with you.

Why do you think, that the management has misled on the tech side? We have an outstanding detector and a clear roadmap. As the open question, what happens with the detector as a stand-alone product, there needs to be clarification and I hope we will get this clarification on 28th.

About the PO I am as upset as most of the posters in our forum. I appreciate the CEO's letter to the shareholders, also it does not explain much about the way, how the PO was done. My hope is simply, that who ever took place in the PO on the US side, will lead to a greater awareness of POET in the US market. If then a bigger NEWS would hit this market and if there will be again some buying pressure, I don't think that this move to the north would be down-pressed by a lot of selling. True, a lot of us are very disappointed - but if a big NEWS hits the market, for most the first thought won't be to press the sell button.

I think, now the most important thing is, that we see, that POET works with the newly gained money. What about the wafer supply? What about the detector? Etc. I am looking foreward to hear answers about these going foreward question on the 28th.

almost 8 years ago
Road Show

The last two weeks POET did a road show in Canada, Europe and the US, right? Isn't it weird, that they did not announce any dates for it? Last time, there was a clear schedule and some members of our forum had even the possibility to go there. It would be really interesting to know, with whom they met on their road show. Anyone has any information?

almost 8 years ago

I don't believe that the PO was done, so that a specific investor could get a piece of POET. Then they would have needed to do a road show and they could have simply done a Private Placement.

almost 8 years ago
Re: why the manipulation

I don't know, but a road show is nothing that you plan from one week to another. So I don't think they put on purpose first the NEWS about the PO and then the NEWS about the grant.

almost 8 years ago
Re: why the manipulation

I think, it is quiet obvious. They announced a Public Offering and the share price went down. Those who sold are longterm shareholders, that are frustrated and this NEWS was the trigger for them to finally sell.

Announcing a Public Offering without naming the price and connected with a bad communication leads to understandable frustration. That's what happened. Maybe from this downtrend hedge funds profit and even fuel it. But the basis is simply an understandable investor fatigue. I also feel this investor fatigue, but still hold strong to my shares.

almost 8 years ago
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