Zacster's Profile

Zacster's Posts

JV meeting

Was this today?

about 8 years ago
Re: volume

It's a beautiful Friday afternoon here in south eastern Ontario, it sure puts a sense of well being in ones soul.

Here's hoping that the JV meeting will do the same..
It's been a long time coming.!


about 8 years ago
Re: volume

So why on earth is the share price staying at .12
As I recall ( way in the past ) demand is what took us to 2.75. No?

about 8 years ago
Re: volume

I for one am sick of your negativity...
Try something positive or pizz off.....

about 8 years ago
Re: not sure

I believe that Elmer was appointed to the Liard board of directors by Teck.
So CUU does have a say at what goes on..

almost 9 years ago
Re: The crew and the treasure

Please excuse my spelling.

Should have previewed : )


about 11 years ago
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