Z_Greek's Profile

Z_Greek's Posts

Re: Level II - 10:21

A very complete LEVEL-2 report.  Thanks fivenine.
From the raw numbers we are only 503,000 shares away from $0.75.
Unfortunately millions of shares would pour into the sell side as the price went up but .. nice to fantasize!


almost 8 years ago
Trading Day of November 16, 2016

What an extraordinary event occurred today with trading of HPQ.V. With 2.85 million shares trading hands in the range of 10.5-12.5 cents/share the share price closed at 11.5 cents/share - average trading was 704,300 shares previously (Stockhouse-Nov 16/2016).

Compared to the 30.5 cents/share a few months ago the 2/3 thirds drop is astonishing. This event is no less bizarre considering the recent announcements regarding PureVap and the latest test results. Also tagging along as news is the upcoming gold properties spinoff and the general market for gold related properties on the respective stock exchanges.

For those who are confident in their decision that HPQ.V and PureVap are real and will prevail with a world class silicon product (not to mention gold properties spinoff) – I salute you.

For those who are not confident and have sold (or are selling) HPQ.V I respect your decision – and thanks for the shares at this price.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Venezuelan Congress declares President Maduro has staged coup

"Viva la revolucion" from the previous "Viva la revolucion"!

Cheers and Good Luck!

almost 8 years ago
All's Quiet on the HPQ/PYR Front ..

Things are pretty quiet as the clock ticks down to the gold company spinout. Despite great news regarding the PureVap process the HPQ shareprice continues its gradual decline. PYR announces more signed contracts (primarily with the USA military) and yet fairs no better with its share price.

We should see some action soon from the HPQ gold company spinout. In addition there is likely to be some activity on the PYR 3D printing side - maybe not concerning that spinout announced earler but at least something on powder developments. All of the foregoing plus potential news in any of the other PYR business verticals.

We wait patiently for news!


almost 8 years ago
IMO No News on PurVap Testing until After Gold Company Spinoff

I think that there will probably not be news on the PureVap testing until after the gold company spinoff. Since we have not heard otherwise we must assume that an announcement of 4N+ will trigger the Taiwanese financing and the option to convert that loan to shares. So far I am under the impression that Bernard always has had the backs of the current shareholders (including himself and others). This would lead to the conclusion that Bernard would not wish to dilute the gold companys shares at the time of spinoff by having the Taiwanese automatically get a bunch for free just before the new company is launched.

So IMO it will play out like this.. HPQ shares go up as the gold company spinoff date approaches. Immediately after the spinoff the current test results for PureVap will be announced (I think for sure 4N+). The tests results will maintain and augment the HPQ share price (instead of the share price dropping post-gold company spinoff).


almost 8 years ago
Having Hints of Shills!!

For all the trouble that the StockHouse site has been having with maintaining the HPQ.V bullboard it amazes me that so few have actually tried the Agoracom site for a more reliable platform to exchange news and ideas when the StockHouse HPQ.V bullboard has been down. IMO it is starting to smell of a few/many shills pumping the StockHouse bullboard, for both HPQ.V and PYR, to generate hits and revenue on the numerous banners and commercial links displayed on each StockHouse web page.

Despite this I must admit having posted in good faith to the StockHouse HPQ.V (and PYR) bullboard(s).

Just saying ..

about 8 years ago
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