YourNadir's Profile

I'm a believer in copper. Micro tech stocks also catch my attention. No matter what the investment, be prepared to be PATIENT!

YourNadir's Posts

Re: 0.185 SP

I hate to play Debbie Downer here but, damn it, I'm gonna play Debbie Downer. We have seen upticks in the SP a few times right around JV meetings, and then when there is no substantial news we slide right back to where we started. 

The last news release indicated that there wouldn't be word on the resource modelling work and a decision on updating the resource estimate until the latter portion of Q1. So maybe we see sustained interest until that information is made public, or maybe we are trading at 13 to 14 cents again by Friday. 

over 7 years ago
Re: .15

I'm glad you appreciate my humor, Chunky. Wish my wife did. I send her amusing notes from the doghouse but she just wads them up and tosses them into the backyard.  :(

over 7 years ago
Re: .15

News or not, copper just has to hit $30 a pound and then we can all cash out! 


over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Sorry you're feeling attacked, Reno. You're not really dealing with many bashers, IMO. Most of what you're encountering is longs who have stuck it out over many years with feelings of betrayal due to false timelines and constantly moving goalposts. 

We really do want you to be right. We just cannot summon the optimism or entusiasm anymore. 

over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Reno, you could be absolutely right. I'd be thrilled if that were the case.

On the other hand, you could be flat out wrong. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that were the case. 

There are a number of grizzled veterans here who have made similar predictions year after year. At 12.5 cents per share, you can surmise that the optimism has been misguided to this point. We've watched many frustrated fellow investors cash out in search of greener pastures. 

Teck has a whole host of options on its plate in terms of development. Whether Schaft Creek figures into those plans anytime soon will hopefully be revealed this year, but it's possible 2017 will be another year of relative silence. Be prepared to be patient, that's my advice.  

over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Here is your response to Golfyeti within a day or two of joining the forum last year. I don't see where you get off criticizing Reno68. Seems like you're both in the same boat (although Reno hasn't stated his/her expected timeline for a return), and I don't mean that as a slight against Reno. 


"Wow! What a response. Sorry that you have lost a lot of money, but that does not give you a license to be an accussatory doink. The whole commodies market is full of fear and uncertainty, yet somehow you accuse me of some nefarious plan. Let's get real here. I asked two basic questions:

1. Did the people here think that this would be a good investment (ie mine being built) with a maximum 10 years to see a return. I would consider this to be a better bet than most junior mining companies as a feasibility study had been completed and a partnership with Teck.

2. The other was hypothetical not really focused on any specific project.

Not sure how those questions are negative or add to the uncertainties of the whole resource sector. I still would welcome others opinions (oh I forgot that I must have 100 skeptical friends lined up to respond). Sheesssh!

Have a nice day."

over 7 years ago
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