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Re: Article on latest news

Yesterday Richfield (RVC) released a resource estimate on a property of which they only own...I believe 75%, using a cutoff grade 0.4g/t which showed a little over 4mm oz's, indicated and inferred (about 50/50). The stock price broke $6, handily.

I still can't believe this stock isn't trading at a dollar or more already, but I DO believe this company will make my year. Hell, hopefully my decade.

over 13 years ago
Re: Technical Analysis

Seriously, RBC AM is strapped for cash? So they need to sell off a few thousand shares of a micro-cap gold explorer??? Sounds a little ridiculous, just my opinion though.

This looks more like a case of someone (and their pals, no doubt) got their fill of cheap shares, then took their foot off our throats. Too coincidental, 2 reco's coming out near simultaneously, oddly enough from 2 of our largest institutional shareholders. Seems as though they're finally ready to let this go (I hope), and about time too, undervalued for far too long.

over 13 years ago
Re: This also means

Also comforting, I don't know if it's the case, but the shares from the PP that closed in July at 25 cents are now tradeable, no? Maybe this dip is the result of that? Perhaps a 60% return with flowthrough credits (and warrants at 36 cents) over a 3 month period is good enough for some people.

Just know the smart money isn't selling a single share, that's good enough for me.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Was Worth Stealing From Other.

no, not fantastic.

I know what you were going for, that this stock is being manipulated. most are.

but the fact that every description in those 'rules' virtually matches PEM stock price behaviour, is that supposed to be encouraging?

ie. when manipulators want to sell high, they hire analysts, newsletter writers, attend conferences, basically a media blitz, which PEM has had going for about a month or so. so is the point that PEM is a lame duck which manipulators are trying to squeeze a few extra pennies from? that was a terrible article, basically describing PEM's behaviour as what manipulators want in order to bilk retail investors out of their money.

it's nice to think that big money is holding this stock price down, but all that article says is that a stock in EXACTLY THIS POSITION, DOING THE SAME THINGS is overpriced, and a target for manipulators to sell high. not good at all. read it and understand it, don't just hear what you want to. what is the source? who even wrote that article?

how can an article saying all the things PEM are doing is a sign that manipulators are trying to drive up the price so they can sell off a good thing? i don't even know how this article applies.

if anything, PEM is being manipulated down, being held back. that entire article was basically about pump and dump philosophy, not relevant.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Carlsbad CA Casey conference

Little disappointed there hasn't been much volume this morning after what was apparently a good showing on Friday. Don't know what I expected though, these guys aren't your small retail investors though, probably would take a little time and do some more in-depth DD. Hopefully volume picks up later in the week.

"...we have new shareholders..."

Hopefully one of those is Eric Sprott, who was a keynote speaker. His word, and more importantly actions carry a lot of weight with a lot of people with money to spend.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Lambs to the slaughter?

Gotta say, there's a lot in your post that's hard to argue.

I'm not pleased that it will take so long to start drilling either. Personally, I don't find it a good excuse that to save costs they want to use a rig/crew that are already in the area. I would gladly see them spend more cash, even pay a premium for a quick startup, ESPECIALLY since roughly 75% of the costs would be paid by Cliffs. And there's plenty of cash on hand, and the endgame would appear to be within striking distance. Perhaps there are other circumstances which are unknown to me. All I can think of is the terrain, which we all know is...well....moist to say the least, and trying to drill between the dry summer and frozen winter months could be messy.

I think it is a real possibility that there is an ongoing dialogue between KWG and Cliffs, but I very much doubt it is a back-door deal to sell shareholders down the river. If you've ever spoken to Frank Smeenk in person, you would have a hard time believing that too.

I as well would really like some more official correspondence from the company. Even some update on the website every other week or so giving some strategic updates, some forward-looking plans and ideas; however it does occur to me that KWG, by necessity, needs to keep the real meat of their plans secret to maintain some form of advantage, however small, to take into negotiations.

I suppose in summation, I still hold every confidence that our management is doing everything they can to improve the situation for every shareholder. Whether things work out how we want and hope, we'll have to wait and see.

almost 14 years ago
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