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XKXKX's Posts

Re: Circular

Still awaiting mine in Spruce Grove

almost 13 years ago
Re: Darkpool

Excellent post spfunk !!!!! Information is always a good thing If you are not interested in the thread bushboy..... Move on one that does interest you. Lots of us are interested and benefiting from others experience and knowledge.

Thx spunk


almost 13 years ago
AGM details now posted on SEDAR. :)

Just poking around and found it. I knew there are some of you waiting for any info about the AGM.

Not leaving it til the last minute or anything. But I guess late is better than never.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Were being noticed now

Whoo hoo,,!!!!!!! . One step closer to financial freedom !!!!!

almost 13 years ago
Re: Just a theory

The fact that management is putting the shares out there ..... Is that a good sign that things are moving in a good direction? A direction pointing to a sale? Or could it have no meaning at all ?

Just learning :).


almost 13 years ago
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